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CLARIFYING QUESTIONS: <br />Charlotte Archer, Tukwila City Attorney, and Nora Gierloff addressed clarifying questions for the <br />Commission. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />DELIBERATION: <br />Commissioner Martinez said there was a lot of questions for staff and he does not want to rush into any <br />decision without getting complete answers. He suggested staff combine all the answers and bring the <br />information back to the Commission. He said it's tough and some of the questions still lingering are valid <br />concerns. <br />Commissioner Strander said she would like clarification and more info on policy decisions for rental <br />inspections. She inquired on the process if short-term rentals are approved'? She asked if units would be <br />subject to the City rental inspection program, or would it be different if a detached ADUs is rented, or a <br />single-family residence, or a bedroom. Ms. Gierloff said she would be concerned with applying inspections <br />to short-term rentals. She asked if a short-term rental is an ADU would it be subject to the parking <br />requirements for ADUs? <br />Commissioner Mann said she feels like she could support short-term rentals with the following <br />requirements: (1) Requiring homeowners are licensed (2) Requiring a legal process for inspections. (3) <br />Property is owner occupied, (4) A cap is placed on the number of rentals a property owner is allowed. <br />(5) Requiring the owner be responsible for the parking needs, and for accommodating at minimum one <br />parking space. <br />Commissioner Nguyen said he is wondering if this is a solution looking for a problem. He said the issues <br />identified are no different than the issues identified with long-term rentals. He asked why short-term rentals <br />are being specifically targeted and the current rules for long term rentals are satisfactory. He said he agrees <br />with licensing, compliance, and parking, but does not necessarily agree with owner occupancy. He said <br />Airbnb ratings should be considered as well. He said parking restrictions make sense to him. He said we <br />want people to come to our City to spend money, so we should consider economic development. We want <br />to make housing affordable for people of all social economic status and their personal situations. He said <br />the City should consider helping with mortgages because housing is so expensive. And accountability to up <br />keep the property, and the traffic situation. He said short-term rentals could have a better rating process <br />then longer term rental, <br />Commissioner Martinez said one of the conversations that has not been had is the prohibition of short- <br />term rentals, and the individuals who have commented or sent emails stating their opposition for short-term <br />rentals. He said they deserve some acknowledgement of their concerns. He said it is a tough situation, and <br />at the very least we should let citizens know that we are thinking about them and do hear their concerns. He <br />said one of biggest complaints that everyone has with municipalities is that the governing units do not listen <br />to them. He said we are listening and have the same problems the citizens have, parking and the loud noise. <br />Commissioner Mann said she wanted to defend her requirement for owner occupancy. She said it would <br />be less likely to have a short-term rental who is going to party in the owner's house. And the owner will be <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />5 <br />