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<br /> <br />City of Tukwila <br />Planning Commission <br /> <br /> <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES <br /> <br />Date: May 24, 2018 <br />Time: 6:30 PM <br />Location: Council Chambers <br /> <br />Present: Vice Chair, Dennis Martinez; Commissioners, Miguel Maestas, Mike Hansen, Sharon <br />Mann, Louise Strander, and Heidi Watters <br /> <br />Absent: Chair, Nhan Nguyen <br /> <br />Staff: Minnie Dhaliwal, Planning Supervisor, and Wynetta Bivens, Planning Commission <br />Secretary <br /> <br />Adopt Commissioner Watters stated that her recollection was that on page 3 of <br />Minutes: the minutes the applicant said that they would add a conifer tree. The minutes states they <br />were open to the idea. <br /> <br />Commissioner Hansen stated he did not remember, and he could not support the <br />adjustment without capturing what happened. Additionally, he said either way there was <br />not a condition. <br /> <br />Commissioner Mann moved to approve the 3/8/18 minutes per staff’s findings upon <br />review of the 3/8/18 recording. Commissioner Hansen Seconded the motion. Commissioner <br />Strander abstained from voting due to her absence at the meeting. Motion passed. <br /> <br />Staff’s review of the 3/8/18 recorded minutes (time 49.54) confirmed that the applicant <br />stated, “they are open to the idea of adding a significant conifer tree to the landscaping for <br />the proposed development.” Minutes are approved with no corrections. <br /> <br />Mia Nivarro, Community and Engagement Manager, for the City of Tukwila, gave a presentation on the <br />City’s Strategic Plan and the 2019-2020 budget. She explained that the City is working on developing the <br />2019-2020 budget using a different method, called priority-based budgeting. With the new method funds will <br />be allocated based on City programs and services offered. Ms. Nivarro said it is a long and involved process that <br />will take several years to implement fully. The next step in the process is to score the programs and services <br />against a set of strategic goals. <br /> <br />The City is revisiting the Strategic Plan goals from 2012, which has five strategic goals. The City wants to ensure <br />the Strategic Plan still reflects the priority and the value of the community. The City currently has a survey <br />available on-line and in printable form for those interested in providing their feedback on the goals. After the <br />feedback is received from the community and employees, information will be compiled, and any recommended <br />adjustments to the Strategic Plan will go through the City Council approval process. The 2019-2020 budget will <br />be developed based on the amended goals. Also, there will be more community outreach between now and <br />November 2018 when the budget is finalized. <br /> <br />Vice Chair, Dennis Martinez, opened the public hearing and swore in those wishing to testify. <br /> <br />CASE NUMBER: L18-0032 (Code Amendment) <br />APPLICANT: Segale Properties LLC <br /> <br /> <br />