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time conversion fee will be billed in two installments starting in 2019. The City will pay <br />invoices within 45 days of receipt. <br />D. Pursuant to RCW 84.56.035, Tukwila agrees to pay the County a collection fee equal to <br />one percent (1%) of all SWM service charge revenue collected by the County for Tukwila <br />under the terms of this Agreement. This collection fee is separate from the per -account <br />fee authorized in V.A. Twice per year (July and January) based upon collections through <br />June 30 and December 31. King County Treasury will deduct the one percent collection <br />fee from receipts collected on behalf of the City. King County may, within its sole <br />discretion, change the frequency of the deductions, provided that written notice is <br />provided to the City at least six months before such change is implemented. <br />VI. Effectiveness, Duration, Termination and Amendment <br />A. This Agreement is effective upon signature by both Parties and will remain in effect until <br />December 31, 2028. <br />B. This Agreement may be terminated by either Party for the following billing year by <br />providing written notice by October 1 of the prior year. In the event of termination, <br />payment will be made by the City for work performed by the County to the date of <br />termination, provided that for SWM fees billed prior to the termination date, King <br />County will continue to collect those previously billed SWM fees, make disbursements <br />to the City, and retain the collection fee as authorized in Section V.D. <br />C. This Agreement may be amended only by written agreement of the Parties. <br />D. This Agreement is not assignable by either Party, either in whole or in part. <br />E. This Agreement is a complete expression of the intent of the Parties and any oral or <br />written representations or understandings not incorporated herein are excluded. The <br />Parties recognize that time is of the essence in the performance of the provisions of this <br />Agreement. Waiver of any default shall not be deemed to be waiver of any subsequent <br />default. Waiver of breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be <br />a waiver of any other or subsequent breach and shall not be construed to be a <br />modification of the terms of the Agreement unless stated to be such through written <br />approval by the Parties which shall be attached to the original Agreement. <br />F. Funding or obligation under this Agreement beyond the current appropriation year is <br />conditional upon appropriation by the County Council and the City Council, respectively, <br />4 <br />50 <br />