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Availability and Capacity <br />The proposed four (4) person NOVO team will be available to provide continued consulting <br />services from our Burien, Washington office in association with the project. Mr. Richard <br />Carlson will be the main point of contact for the project and will manage two (2) AHERA <br />building inspectors and abatement project monitors in association with the project. Ms. Crystal <br />Wright will perform the bulk asbestos analysis in our in-house laboratory and provide peer <br />review of project documentation. <br />Mr. Carlson will provide the senior review of all project documentation and deliverables. <br />NOVO has provided full service consulting services for numerous local school districts, <br />municipalities, and private developers and has successfully managed multiple large scale, multi <br />phased projects being conducted concurrently. <br />C: I USERSIRICHARDCARLSONIDROPBOXICONSULT/NGIPROPOSALS12018118111 _CITY OF TUKWILAIRFPWOVO PROPOSAL_CITYOF <br />TUKWILA RFP. DOC <br />