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Allan Ekberg, Mayor <br />TO: <br />Mayor's Office - David Cline, City Administrator <br />Mayor Ekberg <br />Finance & Safety Committee <br />FROM: David Cline, City Administrator <br />DATE: October 26, 2018 <br />SUBJECT: Contract for Prosecution Services <br />BACKGROUND <br />Since 2011 Kenyon Disend has subcontracted prosecution services. As of August 31, 2018, they <br />discontinued providing any prosecution services. At that time, the City entered into a short-term <br />agreement with the Walls Law Firm, who had been subcontracting with Kenyon Disend, for the <br />remainder of the 2018. The City advertised a Request for Qualifications and Proposals for <br />Prosecution Services for 2019 - 2020 in the Seattle Times and the Daily Journal of Commerce and <br />with the King County Bar Association and the Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys. <br />DISCUSSION <br />The Walls Law Firm has provided prosecution services to the City of Tukwila for several years <br />through a contract with Kenyon Disend. When Kenyon Disend decided to discontinue providing <br />prosecution services the City opted to take the opportunity to go through an RFQ/RFP process. The <br />Walls Law Firm was the only one to submit a proposal. <br />The Walls Law Firm's proposal highlights their prosecution philosophy: Consequences to discourage <br />wrongdoing, rehabilitative requirements to reduce recidivism, and protection of victims and the <br />community, which aligns with the City's Strategic Plan. They are committed to providing effective <br />prosecution that is mindful of the City's resources yet innovative in meeting new challenges as they <br />arise. <br />In conjunction with the City's efforts to reduce 2019-2020 budget expenditures by three (3) percent, <br />the Walls Law Firm has proposed to provide prosecution services at a rate of $13,100 per month <br />which represents a three (3) percent reduction from their current monthly rate of $13,500 per month. <br />City staff recently conducted a survey comparing prosecution costs from local jurisdictions and <br />found that this is a comparable rate. <br />While only one proposal for services was submitted, the proposal includes all the services required <br />by the City to provide quality prosecution services, the attorneys have extensive prosecution <br />experience and have established positive working relationships with the Municipal Court, the Police <br />Department and the Public Defense Attorneys, and the proposed rate of compensation is <br />Tukwila City Hall • 6200 Southcenter Boulevard • Tukwila, WA 98188 • 206-433-1800 • Website: <br />