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City of Tukwila <br />Planning Commission <br />Planning Commission (PC) Worksession Minutes <br />Date: August 25, 2011 <br />Time: 6:')0 PM <br />Location: City Hall Council Chambers <br />Present: Brooke Alford, Chair, Thomas McLeod, Vice Chair, Commissioners, Louise Strander, David <br />Shumate, Mike Hansen, Aaron Hundtofte, and Jeri Frangello- Anderson <br />Staff: Nora Gierloff, Deputy DCD Director, Minnie DhaliNval, Planning Supentirisor, and Wynetta <br />Bivens, Planning Commission Secretaiy <br />Prior to the start of the Nvorksession, staff presented a poster to Margaret Bratcher of projects she worked on <br />during her years of sentirice on the Planning Commission. <br />Chair Alford opened the Nvorksession at 6:50 PM. <br />Minutes: Commissioner Strander made a motion to adopt the June 23, 2011 minutes and Commissioner <br />Hansen seconded the motion. The motion vas unanimously approved. <br />A welcome vvas extended to Jeri Frangello- Anderson, the new PC Member. <br />The Planning Commission Rules of Procedures were reviewed, and it was the consensus of the PC to make <br />the following amendments: <br />Article IV, Section 2: Rotation of Officers, the last sentence in the paragraph shall read: If the shift <br />occurs July_ I" or later the chair will retain his/her office for the following rear. <br />Article V, Section 5: Meetiniz Decorum, letter ";g" shall read: Planning Commission meetings will <br />generally begin at 6:30 PM or as indicated on the public notice. They will continue until the agenda <br />items have been completed, or until 9: PM, whichever comes first. Continuation of a meeting past <br />9:30 PM requires approval of a motion to extend by a majority vote. If no motion is approved the <br />Chair will continue the meeting to a date certain. <br />Article V. Section 5: Meetiniz Decorum, letter "h" shall read: The Commission may continue a public <br />hearing to a future date for the purpose of accepting ne'kv written or oral testimony. A continued <br />public hearing to a date certain does not require nevv public notice. A closed public hearing cannot be <br />re- opened without issuance of a new public notice. <br />Article V, Section 6: Ouasi- Judicial Hearing Procedures, the last paragraph shall read: If any <br />Commissioners disclose appearance of fairness issues allow the applicant or other audience members <br />to challenge their participation in the hearing. If so challenged the Commissioner(s) must step down <br />from the case, and leave the room unless this would cause the loss of a quorum per RCW 4236.090. <br />If the applicant does not object to the Commissioner(s) hearing the case please have them state that <br />for the record. <br />Staff gave a presentation on South Bing County Demographic Changes. <br />Staff gave a demonstration on the NW Maps vveb site. <br />Adjourned: 7:40 PM <br />Submitted By: Wynetta Bivens <br />Planning Commission Secretai-v <br />