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INFORMATIONAL MEMO <br />Page 2 <br />• Programs and scores were provided to the Center and the Center, through a proprietary <br />calculation, allocated the programs to tiers. <br />• Program information by tier was included in the 2019-2020 budget document. <br />Next Steps <br />Priority Based Budgeting will continue in 2019 and the following steps have been identified: <br />• Reviewing the scoring process and adjusting basic attributes as needed (2nd quarter) <br />• Finalizing the formula for scoring and allocating programs to tiers so that this process can <br />be done in-house (2nd quarter) <br />• Identify programs in the utility funds, golf course, and capital project funds (3rd and 4th <br />quarters) <br />• Identify performance measures to ensure programs are meeting the needs of our <br />communities (begin 2nd quarter) <br />• Continue community involvement through various outreach opportunities (ongoing) <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Discussion only. <br />2 <br />llcitystorelCity Common\Council Agenda Items\Finance12.11.1911nfo Memo Update on PBB.docx <br />