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Page 2 of 3 <br />February 28, 2019 <br />PC Minutes <br />good condition. There was discussion on the mitigation plans, performance standards, <br />monitoring requirements and what happens once the monitoring period ends. There was also <br />discussion regarding the types of projects that require a Federal permit in Tukwila. <br />Decision: Option 3 - Adopt the standard buffer widths recommended by the Department of <br />Ecology but allow alternative buffer if impact minimization measures are taken <br />AND buffer is replanted. <br />2. Exempt wetland <br />Commissioner Stark made inquiry regarding why there is not a buffer mitigation with option <br />1. Commissioner Strander said in the discussion at the November 8 2018 work session that <br />option 3 seemed to have more options for the property owner. There was also discussion on <br />wetland mosaic. <br />Decision: Option 1 - Keep the existing code and exempt wetlands up to 1,000 sq. ft. with <br />mitigation for wetland impacts. <br />Note: Four of the five Commissioners were in consensus with staff s. <br />recommendation. Commissioner Stranderwasopposed and in favor of <br />option 3. <br />3. Non -conforming provisions <br />Part 1 - Vertical Expansion <br />Decision: Option 1 - Allow existing buildings to expand vertically to add upper stories in <br />exchange for buffer enhancement. <br />Part 2 - Lateral Expansion <br />Commissioners Strander and Wafters were opposed to limiting it to a one-time expansion <br />allowance and were in consensus with establishing a cap on the overall expansion. <br />Commissioner Stark said option 1 needed some additional language and wanted to know if <br />staff would draft the language. Staff said that they would draft and return with language. The <br />PC were in consensus. <br />Staff noted the following suggestions made by the consultant: <br />- Add a provision stating that expansion is only allowed on legally permitted property. <br />- Expansions should be excluded for detached accessory structures. <br />- To qualify for expansion along the sides there is a threshold of 50% of the existing <br />intrusion but no more than 500 sq. ft. with the assumption that 75% of the buffer is in <br />place. <br />- To qualify for expansion along the side opposite to the critical area, the maximum <br />threshold of 500 sq. ft. could be raised to 1,000 sq. ft. <br />Decision: Option 1 - Allow expansion along the existing building lines in exchange for buffer <br />enhancement but limit it to a one-time expansion and limit the square footage of a <br />new intrusion into the buffer to less than 50%of the current intrusion. Further, this <br />2 option could be limited to situations where the buffer width is at least 75% of the <br />