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Community Oriented Policing Citizen's Advisory Board (COPCAB)
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Last modified
5/28/2019 4:01:27 PM
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5/28/2019 4:01:10 PM
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Community Oriented Policing Citizen's Advisory Board
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COPCAB meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30pm. The <br />meeting shall adjourn at or before 8pm unless this time is extended by the majority of <br />the members present at that meeting. <br />The regular meeting place for COPCAB is: 6300 Southcenter Blvd, second floor in the Duwamish <br />Conference Room. Alternate meeting places shall be with a seven day notice to members and <br />the public when possible. <br />For purposes of conducting the Board's business, exercising its powers and for all other <br />purposes, a quorum of the Board shall consist of five or more members. Any action taken by a <br />majority of those present, when those present constitute a quorum at any regular or special <br />meeting of the Board, shall be deemed and taken as the action and decision of the Board. <br />The Board shall tape record or keep minutes of all meetings held and all business transacted. All <br />records of the Board shall be open for public inspection, except those that may be exempt from <br />public disclosure under State law. Minutes shall be distributed to the Tukwila City Clerk for <br />posting to the City of Tukwila Digital Records Center. <br />One member of COPCAB shall be elected as the Chairperson. A new Chair shall be selected <br />every three years. The same person may be selected as chair for consecutive terms. The <br />Chairperson shall: <br />• Conduct all meetings <br />• Ensure all agenda items are discussed <br />• Solicit input from all members about issues before the board <br />• Set a positive tone for the group <br />One member of COPCAB shall be elected as the vice -Chair to act as the Chair in the absence of <br />the elected Chairperson. <br />Decision making for COPCAB shall be by the consensus of the group. If the group is deadlocked <br />and unable to reach a consensus after an ample time for discussion and/or research, then a <br />majority vote shall prevail. <br />COPCAB members are expected to make meeting attendance a priority and attend either in <br />person or by conference call, if temporarily not physically in the area. Members who cannot <br />attend a meeting are expected to notify either the staff liaison or Chairperson as soon as <br />he/she is aware there is a meeting conflict. If a member misses three or more consecutive <br />meetings without following the above notification procedures, the Chief of Police or designee <br />will notify the Mayor's Office. Only the Mayor of Tukwila has the authority to remove <br />appointed members. <br />
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