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Page 5 <br />Public Hearing Minutes <br />May 23, 2019 <br />on Attachment B. Commissioner Stark seconded the motion. <br />Motion passed <br />Row 31 Various sections of the code were updated to add clarity and <br />were shown in highlighted text in Attachment E. No change. <br />Row 32, Tree Chapter, Landscape Code: <br />Staff handed out a table comparing different tree and vegetation management standards covered under <br />the tree, landscaping, critical areas and shoreline codes. Staff requested policy direction from the PC <br />on whether they should clean up the tree code and landscaping in addition to the shoreline and critical <br />areas that have already been reviewed to make language more consistent in all four chapters. It was the <br />consensus of the Commissioners for staff to clean up the two additional chapters of the code and return <br />with staff's recommendations for the Commissioners to review. <br />Commissioner Watters expressed concerns regarding having duplicate standards in different areas of <br />the code and capturing updates in all areas. Staff will review duplicates for potential consolidation. <br />OUTSTANDING ISSUES: <br />• SAMP and vesting issue <br />• Consistency of tree and vegetation management regulations in the Tree, Landscape, Critical <br />Areas and Shoreline Chapter <br />• Re -numbering and formatting of the code to break up long sections. <br />Staff will return with a final version of the code that incorporates the recommendations made <br />tonight and addressing the three outstanding issues noted above. PC will then make their final <br />recommendation to the City Council. <br />DIRECTOR'S REPORT: <br />• June PC agenda — Design review for Fire Station 52 and Critical Areas wrap up, and Tree Code <br />deliberations. <br />Adjourned: 9:30 PM <br />Submitted by Wynetta Bivens <br />Planning Commission Secretary <br />