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TIC 2019-07-16 Item 3G - SCATBd - 5/21/19 Meeting Summary / 6/18/19 Meeting Agenda
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2019-07-16 Transportation and Infrastructure
TIC 2019-07-16 Item 3G - SCATBd - 5/21/19 Meeting Summary / 6/18/19 Meeting Agenda
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1/14/2021 12:30:20 PM
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7/11/2019 3:50:39 PM
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Transportation and Infrastructure 2017-2020
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Agenda Packet
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service to those areas, a departure from our service guidelines that allow Metro to address <br />growing demand. The funding piece is critical. All 40 areas of the county want more service. <br />Countywide. Metro wants to facilitate partnerships with local communities. <br />Q: 1.5M hours of funding gap. What does that translate to in terms of cost per hour? Working <br />on a report now that clearly gives the funding gap. Roughly the cost per operating hour is $100 <br />per hour and $160 fully loaded cost per hour. <br />Q: Great presentation. Exemplifies the complexities of the whole system. Great Metro <br />communication would be a presentation like this for us in S King County. Focus this <br />presentation to S King County so local city council study sessions could view a shorter, <br />abbreviated presentation. We are looking at doing that. Recognize that there is a sales job that <br />has to occur in S King County. <br />Q: Remarks as a member of the Regional Transit Committee: Metro is becoming a mobility <br />agency — not just about just buses in our communities, but getting to the buses. Think about <br />how we can get access to information — links to websites. In Tukwila there's "Tuwkila Talk" or <br />"Tukwila Neighbors" for example. Give us tools or links, photos we can share. <br />4. Pierce Transit Bus Rapid Transit Update — Kim McGilvery from Pierce Transit provided the <br />update showing a video about bus rapid transit, how it is different, and how it works. Off board <br />paying, level boarding, bringing bikes on board, wifi, queue jumps, dedicated lanes, fewer stops. <br />Pierce Transit is considering Bus Rapid Transit for Route 1. 12% of all ridership on Route 1 from <br />Downtown Tacoma to Spanaway 14.4 miles. <br />Q; Is this part of ST3? Yes. In addition to funding from Federal Transit Authority, New Starts <br />Program. Sound Transit 3 funds and Sound Transit is partnering with us to create this line. <br />Meeting adjourned 10:10 a.m. <br />44 <br />
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