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2019-07-22 Finance Minutes
City Clerk
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Finance (2017-2020)
Finance Minutes (2017-Present)
2019-07-22 Finance Minutes
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Finance 2017-2020
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Finance Committee Minutes July 22, 2019 <br />and that state law does not limit municipal authority to do so. In addition, the RCW <br />acknowledges the International City/County Management Association, the International <br />Association of Fire Chiefs, and the National Fire Protection Association as three entities to be <br />considered for the organization and deployment of resources for fire departments. Other <br />requirements include annual reporting and a written policy statement regarding service delivery <br />and response time objectives. Staff reviewed a summary of the number of calls by type and <br />response times broken out by Fire and EMS between 2014-2018. Future meetings will include a <br />review of how Tukwila's response times compare to those of other agencies. Councilmember <br />Quinn asked for service statistics going back to 2005 or 2006 and would like the Committee to <br />review information previously shared in discussions around Fire. Chair McLeod would like to <br />examine changes in service levels over the last 20 years, sources of revenue, and various <br />specialties/disciplines in the department. Staff will return to the next meeting with the cost and <br />service level jurisdictional comparisons, and to the August 28 meeting with funding options for <br />varying service levels. DISCUSSION ONLY. RETURN TO COMMITTEE. <br />D. Fire Marshal Office <br />Staff presented an overview of the Fire Marshal Office (FMO), including required minimum levels <br />of service, current services, options, and liability. The FMO provides plan review and associated <br />inspections, limited code enforcement, and fire investigation services with five FTEs. There is an <br />imbalance between actual revenues and fees for services for the FMO, and a review of the fees <br />have shown that they have not kept pace with the market and neighboring cities. Staff proposes <br />to return to Committee with a fee update ordinance. Some of the current services provided by <br />the FMO could be done by other departments, such as city addressing, business license reviews, <br />and special event permit coordination. Moving these functions could free up capacity for other <br />services, such as the business inspections which are not currently being performed. <br />Councilmembers discussed the information. Councilmember Seal would like to better <br />understand the rationale behind the 2014 policy change to remove life safety inspections from <br />the suppression crews. Further discussion on service levels and fees will return to Committee. <br />DISCUSSION ONLY. RETURN TO COMMITTEE. <br />III. MISCELLANEOUS <br />Adjourned at 6:49 p.m. <br />(4/1 Committee Chair Approval <br />Minutes by LH <br />
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