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Page 2 <br />Public Meeting Minutes <br />June 27, 2019 <br />o There was a noise study provided as part of the application, which looked at the <br />consistent noise throughout the day. <br />o The applicant assured the neighbor that the sirens will not be employed until the fire <br />trucks hit 65th Avenue South. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS: <br />• Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit with no conditions. <br />• Staff recommends approval of the Design Review application with two conditions, and two <br />informational items that will need to be addressed prior to issuance of the development permit, <br />as listed in the staff report dated June 14, 2019. <br />Emma Nowinski, Project Manager, Weinstein A+U, for the applicant gave the presentation. She said <br />the City commissioned a professional response time study that determined once Fire Station 51 moved <br />southward to its new location on Southcenter Parkway that Fire Station 52 also needed to move south <br />in order to continue to provide good service both north and south of I-405. She said of the potential <br />sites one of the reasons the current site was chosen was because it was the only one that exited directly <br />onto 65th, which is relatively quiet opposed to the very busy Southcenter Blvd. She pointed out several <br />qualities of the site and provided a detailed overview of the building design, access, parking, etc. She <br />noted the update change to concrete for the perimeter retaining wall. <br />There was extensive discussion regarding safety issues at 65th and Southcenter Boulevard. Following <br />are some of the issues raised: <br />Commissioner Simmons expressed concern with the amount of foot traffic up 65th street with a wall <br />obscuring the visibility from exiting fire trucks, and not having a lot of time to get out of the way. She <br />suggested notification for foot traffic. <br />Commissioner Strander asked if caution signage would be erected, and if pedestrians would be <br />alerted of exiting fire trucks. She also asked if there will be a traffic indicator at the stop sign at 65th <br />Avenue South and Southcenter Boulevard to quickly stop traffic for fire trucks. The applicant said not <br />at this time. <br />Jason Konieczka, Tukwila Fire Fighter, said 65th did not meet the traffic study criteria for a traffic <br />light. He said maybe another study could be completed. <br />Hari Ponnekanti, City Engineer, Public Works, explained there was a traffic study conducted as part <br />of the project. He said as it stands currently without Fire Station 52 the existing conditions do warrant a <br />signal at 65th Avenue South, adding the fire station is not trigging the need for a signal. However, the <br />City will monitor 65th Avenue South and Southcenter Boulevard, take traffic counts, and closely <br />observe these figures to determine if further action is necessary for safety. At the driveway at 65th <br />there will be a fire signal that will be activated when fire trucks are exiting. <br />