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4. The goal of the City is to establish parity between represented and non - <br />represented employees' benefits. The City desires to provide employee benefits that <br />are competitive to the comparable cities described herein. The City will endeavor to <br />keep increases to annual health care costs under market averages. If costs exceed <br />market averages, adjustments will be made to reduce benefit costs. <br />5. The goal of the City is to mitigate or avoid salary compression issues <br />where possible. An example of salary compression would be when a non -represented <br />supervisor earns less, or is projected to earn less than those that he/she supervises <br />due to contracted wage increases. <br />6. If the Administration determines that a deviation from the above process <br />(in its entirety or for individual positions) is necessary, it will provide justification to the <br />City Council for review and approval prior to the adoption of any process change. <br />Section 2. Resolution No, 1387 is hereby repealed. <br />PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL pF THE CITY OF TUKWILA, WASHINGTON, <br />r <br />at a Regular Meeting thereof this 3 04,/ day of -a-v./0 0 , 2013. <br />ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED: <br />Christy O'Flah <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM BY: <br />SheIH ersla -, C o ney <br />Kathy Hotig rdyoi.oiI Presi <br />Filed with the City Clerk: 6" <br />Passed by the City Council: Lo-„, <br />Resolution Number: 14) (lb <br />W:\Word Processing\Resolutions \Compensation policy for City employees 5-29-13 final <br />SB:bjs <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />71 <br />