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62 <br />INFORMATIONAL MEMO <br />Page 2 <br />Staff is seeking guidance from the Council to finalize the information based on <br />challenges that have arisen inthe implementation ofthis new policy. There are 3Snon- <br />represented employees that hold 36different positions in 15different bands. Previously <br />the City had benchnnarkedapproximately 12positions. Staff has attempted toexpand <br />benchnOa[hedpositions toover 2Opositions inorder tVprovide @more complete <br />analysis. TheAVVC Employee Go|ory and Benefit Survey is not comprehensive, leaving <br />many positions unable tVbebenChnl8rked/benchnnarkedpositions require finding at <br />least five other comparable positions within our comparable citieo\. Staff can and has <br />reached out to the other comparable cities to achieve a higher number of benchmarked <br />positions, but such activity is outside of the policy direction given in the resolution. <br />Going outside the 8VVC survey aUovvS the City to better track total compensation, as the <br />benefit information provided byAVVCiSincomplete. <br />o Question for the Committee — Should staff go beyond the AWC survey in order to <br />gather osmuch information aapossible, which would include polling our <br />comparable cities for information oneach non -represented position? <br />o Question for the Committee — Alternately, should the City contract with an <br />outside firm for Ofull market study? <br />3. B1 —Thia section changed the jurisdictions defined as comparable cities from +50-50Y6 <br />ofTukmi|o'eannual assessed value tV+75/-5O96AVwith apolice department. This has <br />resulted in the City now having 15 COnOpmrob|e cities, Seven under TukVvi|a's/\Nand <br />eight above. The comparable cities with their AV are attached. <br />o C}ueationfortheCommittee—thepo|ioydoesnot address Fire aaonly three of <br />our comparable cities have stand-alone fire departments /Gnoquo|nnie. W1uki|teo <br />and Bothell). This affects two employees, the Fire Chief, and Assistant Fire <br />Chief. Staff believes there are two options: 1)the City can choose tonot <br />benchmark these positions, or2)the City can use comparable fire <br />diStricts/authD[idesvvith the same A/Vdirection given in section B1 of Resolution <br />1851. Neither ofthese are perfect options. <br />4. B2 — Staff ig currently analyzing the salaries with comparable jurisdictions and will <br />present the information to the Committee on October 14, 2019. <br />5. B8—Staff iacurrently analyzing the data per the item above. Atthe October 14.2U1S <br />Finance Committee staff will provide all documentation defined inthis section ofthe <br />resolution. <br />0. B4 — This section, non -represented COLA for odd years, was implemented in November <br />of2O10for the 2O19Fiscal Year aampart ofthe biennial budget process. <br />7. B5—Staff ianot suggesting any changes toemployee benefits at this time. The <br />Administration expects there will be a discussion on health care costs during the <br />2O21/2O22budget process. <br />8. B8 —Ane|ysis to date ohovva that there is salary compression within the organization. <br />Specifica||y, recent contract changes have resulted in compression between the Police <br />Commanders and Deputy Chief. Compression otthis level has acascading effect <br />impacting other leadership positions. The full compression analysis will bepresented to <br />the Committee onOctober 14.2O19. <br />9. B7 — Staff strongly agrees that the compensation policy should be reviewed on a regular <br />basis. In fact, implementing this policy has brought to light deficiencies in the {}ity'S <br />Decision Band Method (DBK8)compensation system. Like any major aystenn.vvithouta <br />significant refresh on o regular basis, a otatioDBM system can become obsolete. In <br />addition, after a review of comparable and neighboring cities, it is has become clear that <br />most have moved away from o OBM system to market -based ones. While any employer <br />needs to have a system — and the DBM one did work for the City for a number of years — <br />it is clear that either the OBM needs to be updated or the City should move to a different <br />system. Staff believes the City should explore moving to a market -based system and <br />z:\Cnunoi|Agenda |emy\Commonioatmns\o019Non Rep Draft m°mn.omu <br />