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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Southcenter, Tukwila" Urban Center <br />10.3.5 Pedestrian Network. Create a non motorized transportation network by exploring the <br />use of railroad rights -of -way as pedestrian paths; utilizing public /private funds to <br />augment the existing network, and create connections between sites, within sites, and <br />from building entrances to the street. <br />IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES <br />Public /private funds to augmented the pedestrian network <br />Implement the recommendations in the Walk and Roll Plan Aeemprehe <br />rZ m st l w ith „lementnti.,,�, strategies p th bh <br />r pn„ .t m srnees and p rivate <br />develepmefit <br />Development standards to augment the public and private pedestrian network and <br />sidewalk and trail system <br />Require safe, direct pedestrian connections from sidewalks to building entrances <br />18 WALong Range ProjectslSouthcenter PlanlComp Plan 20111Edited Ch10 -TUC PC 11.11docx.docx <br />201 Dcoq 9ftvem er 2011 <br />