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City of Tukwila <br />Planning Commission <br />Planning Commission (PC) Minutes <br />Date: October 27, 2011 <br />Time: 6:30 PM <br />Location: City Hall Council Chambers <br />Present: Brooke Alford, Chair, Thomas McLeod, Vice Chair, Commissioners, David Shumate, Aaron <br />Hundtofte, and Jeri Frangello- Anderson <br />Absent: Commissioners, Louise Strander and Mike Hansen <br />Staff: Nora Gierloff, Deputy DCD Director, Lynn Miranda, Senior Planner, and Wynetta Bivens, <br />Planning Commission Secretaiy <br />Chair Alford opened the Nvorksession at 6:3(_) PM. <br />Minutes: Commissioner McLeod made a motion to adopt the September 22, 2011 minutes. <br />Commissioner Frangello- Anderson seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously <br />approved. <br />Marty Grisham, Emergency Manager, Fire Department, gave an overview on the Emergency Management <br />preparedness activities in Tukwila. He provided the PC with a handout that showed the highlights of <br />activities in Emergency Management. HistoiN was given on the Fire Department assuming the responsibility <br />of Emergency Management. The Emergency Operation Center -,vas initially located at the Police Department <br />but has moved to Fire Station 51. An invitation was extended to the Planning Commissioners to tour the <br />Emergency Management Center. In order for Emergency Management to be organized in away that is in <br />compliance with the state law, it is required to have a Director of Emergency Management. Chief Olivas is <br />the Tukwila Emergency Management Director. Tukwila Emergency Management has re- aligned local <br />activities with the State and Federal partners in Emergency Management. <br />A training exercise recently took place, and the Mayor, Council Members, and over forty -eight employees <br />participated in a 4 -day Integrated Emergency Management Course. Training will be a big focus in 2(_)12. <br />Emergency Management is currently advertising a new position for a Community Emergency Response Team <br />Coordinator (CERT) /'Public Educator.. Also, a neiv Emergency Management ivebsite is in the process of <br />being designed. <br />Work on the Howard Hanson dam is complete! However, the measures taken are vet to be tested. <br />Lynn Miranda, Senior Planner, Department of Community Development, gave a briefing on the Southcenter <br />Plan. She talked about the planning process, background, existing conditions, issues, and opportunities, and <br />where the plan is now., The Urban Center is approximately 1,(_)(_)(_) acres in size, which is one of the larger <br />Urban Centers in the region, which have several major activity areas, and amenities. Explanation was <br />provided on hovv and why the Southcenter Plan is formed. The Comprehensive Plan and Goals Policy for the <br />Southcenter Plan was adopted in 1995 to reflect the regional direction for the Cities. An update of more <br />specific policies occurred in 2004. The Comprehensive Plan is providing the backbone for the Southcenter <br />Plan. Noted was the importance of creating a framework of special places, different goals, incentives for <br />development, and strategies for implementing the Southcenter Plan. Also, noted were the economic, market <br />forces, and their effect on achieving the vision for the Southcenter Plan, the challenges, and the next steps for <br />moving foixvard. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />