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Planning 2011-10-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2011-10-27 Planning Commission - Emergency Preparedness / Southcenter Plan Briefing
Planning 2011-10-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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ATTACHMENT C <br />DRAFT <br />EXISTING CONDITIONS REPORT <br />Tukwila's Urban Center <br />The condition of the Tukwila's urban center, "Southcenter at the inception of this Subarea Plan is <br />detailed in this section. Ultimately, the implementation of the Plan's Phase I strategies will result in <br />sufficient modification of these conditions as to make this Plan obsolete. At that point, a newly updated <br />Southcenter Plan will need to be prepared to engage the problems and opportunities presented by the <br />modified existing conditions. As change occurs, the community intends to measure those changes <br />against the conditions recorded herein to monitor the degree to which the Plan remains sufficiently <br />current. <br />A.1. INTRODUCTION <br />The City of Tukwila is located 12 miles south of downtown Seattle, 17 miles north of downtown <br />Tacoma, and two miles from the Sea -Tac International Airport. <br />The Plan Area is comprised of approximately 1,000 acres located in the immediate southeastern <br />quadrant formed by the crossing of Interstates 5 and 405. It contains the City's primary commercial <br />center featuring by far the greatest proportion of the City's development and its primary source of <br />sales tax revenue. The Plan Area contains a sufficiently wide range of retail offerings to make it the <br />largest shopping destination serving the South King County region. Its primary shopping anchor is <br />Westfield Southcenter Mall, the largest mall in the state of Washington. The Mall recently went <br />through a substantial expansion and renovation. <br />In addition to the wide range of shopping venues, the Plan Area also contains a substantial amount of <br />other commercial uses, especially distribution, warehousing, office and lodging. <br />A.2. CONTEXT <br />1) History <br />The land area of Tukwila has historically been inhabited by the Duwamish, the Native Americans who <br />made their homes along the Duwamish River. They were followed by Euro- American settlers in the <br />1850's who began the development of a small community based on farming and coal mining. Tukwila <br />was incorporated in 1908, and its development was spurred by accessibility from the Duwamish, Green <br />and Black Rivers, then by train lines that connected it to the major cities of Seattle and Tacoma, and <br />finally by the construction of a regional freeway system. Over time, Tukwila has grown as a center of <br />commerce due to its location at the crossroads of rivers, trails, highways and railroads. <br />The majority of growth in the City, and especially in the Plan Area, has occurred over the last fifty <br />years. The area to be known as the Tukwila Urban Center was annexed to the City as an industrial park <br />in 1956. The construction of Interstate 5 and 405 in the mid 1960's opened the area up for commercial <br />development, and instigated a rapid transformation of what was largely undeveloped open land and <br />dairy farms (see Photo 1). The Southcenter Mall (currently the Westfield Southcenter Mall) opened in <br />1968, becoming a commercial anchor for the area. Over the subsequent twenty years, more industry <br />and commerce located in the area, providing space for over 1,000 businesses. <br />W: Long Range Projects Southcenter Plan PC REVIEW 922.11 attach C Esistin.g Cond 9/14/201 1 <br />15 <br />
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