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ATTACHMENT A <br />2020 City of Tukwila Scope of Work <br />January 1, 2020 — December 31, 2020 <br />TDM Corridor Strategies Supporting Centers <br />The purpose of the TDM Corridor Strategies Supporting Centers grant is to provide <br />Transportation Demand Management (TDM) services along the I-405, I-5, SR-99 and SR-167 <br />corridors and surrounding arterials to reduce congestion and increase mobility. The program will <br />promote the use of sustainable transportation alternatives to driving alone through outreach, <br />marketing, incentives, education, assistance, and information. <br />The City will provide TDM services for travelers with an origin or destination in the cities of <br />Tukwila, Renton, Kent, and SeaTac through an extension of their Regional Mobility Grant <br />(RMG) program and the City's TDM program. <br />The City and the County will mutually agree on messaging that will be included on program <br />materials for marketing and outreach purposes. <br />These services will be provided for the time period beginning with the execution of the <br />agreement and ending November 30, 2020. <br />Scope of Services <br />The City of Tukwila TDM Program will target residents, employees and employers for whom <br />sustainable transportation alternatives are a viable option. As described below, the program will: <br />• Educate residents, employees and students on sustainable transportation alternatives to <br />driving alone; <br />• Provide rewards and incentives related to sustainable transportation options; <br />• Work to improve people's perceptions of these options; <br />• Inform residents, employees and students of Redmond -Kent -Auburn Area Mobility Plan <br />news and engagement opportunities, such as RapidRide I line outreach, and work to <br />increase ORCA card usage; <br />• Explore options for amenities such as bike lockers, bike racks, bike repair stations, <br />wayfinding signage, etc.; <br />• Communicate the goals of keeping traffic moving and other topics related to road <br />construction and transit service changes; and <br />• Educate employers on available commute benefit strategies and programs. <br />13 <br />