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TIC 2019-11-19 Item 2A - Agreement - 2020 Transportation Demand Management with King County Metro
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2019-11-19 Transportation and Infrastructure
TIC 2019-11-19 Item 2A - Agreement - 2020 Transportation Demand Management with King County Metro
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Last modified
1/14/2021 12:30:25 PM
Creation date
11/14/2019 1:39:30 PM
Council Committees
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Transportation and Infrastructure 2017-2020
Record Type
Agenda Packet
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TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN <br />THE CITY OF TUKWILA <br />AND <br />KING COUNTY <br />This Transportation Demand Management Agreement is made and entered into by and between <br />the City of Tukwila, a Washington municipal corporation (the "City") and King County, a home <br />rule charter county of the State of Washington, through the Metro Transit Department (the <br />"County"), either of which entity may be referred to hereinafter individually as "Party" or <br />collectively as the "Parties." <br />Whereas, the County is obligating a grant from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) <br />(Award 1731-2019-04) Congestion Mitigation Air Quality ("CMAQ") Section 5307 — TDM <br />Corridor Strategies Supporting Centers for multi -modal transportation project planning and <br />demonstration programs, in order to reduce drive -alone vehicle travel and increase high <br />occupancy vehicle use to help reduce energy consumption, air pollution and traffic congestion. <br />The Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance number for this grant is 20.507, and the County <br />intends to use these grant funds to reimburse the City for work performed in accordance with the <br />terms and conditions of this Agreement; and <br />Whereas, such projects and programs include strategies known as transportation demand <br />management ("TDM") which may encompass incentives, outreach, promotions, website <br />development and maintenance, materials and services that facilitate travel by public <br />transportation, shared rides, bicycling, walking and teleworking; and <br />Whereas, the City and the County provide such TDM programs to commuters, students and <br />residents directly or through employers, schools and/or property managers; and <br />Whereas, the City's Transportation Demand Management program (the "Program"), including <br />activities conducted through the City's transportation options brand, has been effective in <br />reducing drive -alone trips in Tukwila; and <br />Whereas, the City and County have continued to adapt and demonstrate these strategies through <br />the Program by adding new market segments and new approaches to Tukwila area residents and <br />workers; <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions and covenants contained herein, <br />the Parties agree as follows: <br />
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