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THE <br />SCI <br />■ IN W ERE' <br />WHERE' <br />Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. <br />380 New York St <br />Redlands, CA 92373-8100 <br />Phone: (909) 793-2853 Fax: (909) 307-3049 <br />DUNS Number: 06-313-4175 CAGE Code: OAMS3 <br />To expedite your order, please attach a copy of <br />this quotation to your purchase order. <br />Quote is valid from: 911712019 To: 1211612019 <br />Quotation # Q-397386 <br />Date: October 2, 2019 <br />Customer # 135074 Contract # <br />City of Tukwila <br />Information Technology Dept <br />6300 Southcenter Blvd Ste 202 <br />Tukwila, WA 98188 <br />ATTENTION: Joseph Todd <br />PHONE: (206) 433-7150 <br />EMAIL: <br />If you have made ANY alterations to the line items included in this quote and have chosen to sign the quote to indicate your acceptance, you must fax <br />Esri the signed quote in its entirety in order for the quote to be accepted. You will be contacted by your Customer Service Representative if additional <br />information is required to complete your request. <br />If your organization is a US Federal, state, or local government agency; an educational facility; or a company that will not pay an invoice without having <br />issued a formal purchase order, a signed quotation will not be accepted unless it is accompanied by your purchase order. <br />In order to expedite processing, please reference the quotation number and any/all applicable Esri contract number(s) (e.g. MPA, ELA, SmartBuy, GSA, <br />BPA) on your ordering document. <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, YOU CONFIRM THAT YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO OBLIGATE FUNDS FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION, AND YOU ARE AUTHORIZING <br />ESRI TO ISSUE AN INVOICE FOR THE ITEMS INCLUDED IN THE ABOVE QUOTE IN THE AMOUNT OF $ , PLUS SALES TAXES IF <br />APPLICABLE. DO NOT USE THIS FORM IF YOUR ORGANIZATION WILL NOT HONOR AND PAY ESRI'S INVOICE WITHOUT ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZING <br />PAPERWORK. <br />Please check one of the following: <br />_ I agree to pay any applicable sales tax. <br />_ I am tax exempt, please contact me if exempt information is not currently on file with Esri. <br />Signature of Authorized Representative Date <br />Name (Please Print) <br />Title <br />The quotation information is proprietary and may not be copied or released other than for the express purpose of system selection and purchase/license. This information may not be given to outside <br />parties or used for any other purpose without consent from Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (Esri). <br />Any estimated sales and/or use tax reflected on this quote has been calculated as of the date of this quotation and is merely provided as a convenience for your organization's budgetary purposes, Esri <br />reserves the right to adjust and collect sales and/or use lax at the actual dale of invoicing. If your organization is tax exempt or pays slate lax directly, then prior to invoicing, your organization must provide <br />Esri with a copy of a current lax exemption certificate issued by your state's taxing authority for the given jurisdiction. <br />Esri may charge a fee to cover expenses related to any customer requirement to use a proprietary vendor management, procurement, or invoice program. <br />For questions contact: Email: Phone: <br />Heather Glock 909-793-2853 x8948 <br />The items on this quotation are subject to and governed by the terms of this quotation, the most current product specific scope of use document <br />found at https:Hassets esri com/contenUdam/esrisites/media/legal/product-specific-terms-of-use/e300.pdf, and your applicable signed agreement <br />with Esri. If no such agreement covers any item quoted, then Esri's standard terms and conditions found at apply to your <br />purchase of that item. Federal government entities and government prime contractors authorized under FAR 51.1 may purchase under the terms of <br />Esri's GSA Federal Supply Schedule. Supplemental terms and conditions found at apply <br />to some state and local government purchases. All terms of this quotation will be incorporated into and become part of any additional agreement <br />regarding Esri's offerings. Acceptance of this quotation is limited to the terms of this quotation. Esri objects to and expressly rejects any different <br />or additional terms contained in any purchase order, offer, or confirmation sent to or to be sent by buyer. Unless prohibited by law, the quotation <br />information is confidential and may not be copied or released other than for the express purpose of system selection and purchase/license. The <br />information may not be given to outside parties or used for any other purpose without consent from Esri. Delivery is FOB Origin. <br />GLOCKH This offer is limited to the terms and conditions incorporated and attached herein. <br />S1 <br />