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PC Public Hearing <br />4/23/20 <br />Page 3 <br />Ms. Miranda answered clarifying questions for the Commission. <br />Commissioner Stark asked what would happen if the public hearing was continued to a later <br />date. Staff said a meeting would need to be held in May to complete the zoning code adoption <br />process prior to the moratorium expiration date of July 9, 2020. <br />Commissioner Reay inquired whether public outreach was sent out in different languages. Staff <br />stated it was not. She also inquired as to the timeframe for completion of the design guidelines. <br />Staff stated it was uncertain as it needed to follow Council's decision on adding on -street parking <br />to TIB. Prior to the coronavirus, it was anticipated to occur before the end of the year. <br />Chair Watters inquired as to why the PC were asked to review this item for recommendation to <br />the CC now. Staff said a moratorium may not be renewed indefinitely. Progress must be shown. <br />Further, CC members were not interested in renewing the moratorium, so it is time to move <br />forward and get the zoning code adopted. Chair Watters then asked how the transit -oriented <br />development is affected by the decision being made and additionally the walkability. Staff stated <br />they are not being proposed at this time. <br />Written Public Testimony <br />Lynn Miranda read the written public comments received prior to 5 PM, 4/23/2020, from the <br />following individuals: <br />- Georgina Kerr, Citizen, - Expressed support as recommended by staff. <br />- John McCullough, McCullough Hill Leary, ps. <br />Expressed concerns with the impacts the proposed zoning changes would have on the <br />Sterling Realty Organization (SRO) property and a potential future transit -oriented <br />development in the RC district, and submitted two options to modify staff's proposals. <br />- Rune Harkestad, McCullough Hill Leary, ps. <br />He is considering purchasing a property north of the TIB Light Rail Station and <br />expressed a desire for the City to move forward with zoning amendments that would <br />allow transit -oriented development (TOD). <br />- Traci Granbois, property owner <br />Submitted two emails raising concerns regarding the necessity and timing of the public <br />hearing and requested reconsideration to the proposed zoning changes in the RC district. <br />Minnie Dhaliwal, Deputy Director, facilitated virtual public testimony. <br />Virtual Public Testimony <br />rI w 16s1 w y «wv + Website, TukwilaWAgov <br />