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PL Minutes <br />November 10, 2011 <br />Throughout the chapter, Southcenter was substituted for Tukwila Urban Center or `TUC' <br />Significant Recommended Goals and Policy changes Implementation Strategy <br />10.1.1 Land Use Policy language ivas added on how Land Use is going to occur, and also there ivas an <br />addition for bicycle facilities; Implementation Strategy Expand the area where residential uses <br />are permitted. <br />10.1.2 Public and Private Investment addition encourage redevelopment. <br />10.1.3 Districts create districts, areas filled Nvith complementary types of uses; <br />Implementation Strategy differentiate heights in different districts from other districts. <br />Standards for screening and truck loading removed <br />10.1.4 Residential Uses Expanded alloNvable development area in the urban center to preseiire single <br />family neighborhoods. Implementation Strategy Add development standards and incentives for <br />different types of open spaces to attract residential development. <br />10.2.1 Urban Development addition recognize that open space amenities attract a wide range of uses, <br />including housing and office. Commissioner Alford suggested adding the following language: <br />(Environment total sustainable development) <br />10.2.2 Green River As Southcenter re- develops, and as the levee along the river changes, maintain <br />physical and visual access to the river. <br />Implementation Strategy develop a vegetation plan for mid slope bench, and develop a plan that <br />ensures the potential public access points at street ends. <br />10.2.3 Streets, Streetscape, and Pedestrian Environment Create "complete" streets and establish a <br />finer grained street network. Nvork Nvith the Public Works Department to create a street master <br />plan; and mechanisms and incentives to get a finer network in place; <br />Prepare an access management plan for the Southcenter area; update the Street Tree Plan for the <br />Central Business District; and seek additional funding for the construction of the Green River <br />Bridge. <br />10.2.4 Site Development Added language to provide more specific detail about development <br />particularly on improving Nvalkability and making it, more enjoyable, and safe. <br />10.2.5 Changing the large parking areas that are oriented to cars. As neiv development or redevelopment <br />occurs, make the parking lot safer for pedestrians and bicyclists. Implementation Strategy Over <br />the short to midterm, focus public and private investments and regulations on properties fronting <br />Baker Boulevard between the Mall and the Sounder station. <br />10.2.7 Expand the development standards to include the needs of the community, as Nvell as landowners, <br />businesses, and developers. <br />10.2.8 Parking Ensure that there is enough supply of parking, and appropriate level of parking so ive <br />effectively use the land. <br />Implementation Strategy Conduct a parking structure feasibility study including the siting, <br />potential funding sources, and financing mechanisms; look for opportunities for on- street parking, <br />particularly in the TOD Districts; develop appropriate standards and guidelines for parking design <br />and layout to support the type of development envisioned in each of the districts. <br />10.2.9 Building Design Promote high quality, market feasible architecture in Southcenter Avith attention <br />to standards and guidelines. <br />10.2.10 Signage Most of the existing policy ivas stnick out due to the update and adoption of the Sign <br />Code last year. Addition provide directional signage. <br />10.2.11 Parks, Open Space, and Public Amenities expand and improve in the Southcenter area. <br />Implementation Strategy Develop standards and guidelines for parks and open spaces; <br />coordinate with the Parks and Recreation Department to ensure that Southcenter Plan's, parks, <br />and open space needs are integrated into the Parks Plan. Commissioner Hundtofte suggested <br />(look at consolidating stormivater management and gain additional efficiencies, reducing the <br />load, and cost) <br />10.2.12 Economic Development A number of Nvays are listed to actively promote development in the <br />Southcenter area, some of which are: identifying appropriate uses by districts; improving existing <br />and providing new amenities. One of the key Implementation Strategies: Prioritize the use of <br />public investments to fund projects necessmy to catalyze economic development. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />