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Attachment A <br />Development Standards in the Low Density Residential (LDR) Zone <br />Minimum lot size <br />6500 sq. ft. <br />Average Lot Width (minimum) 50 feet <br />Setbacks: <br />Front 120 feet <br />Front, decks or porches 15 feet <br />Second Front 10 feet <br />Sides 5 feet <br />Rear 10 feet <br />Height 30 feet maximum and is measured per <br />Washington State Building Code (from the <br />average grade plane to the mid -point of the <br />highest roof) <br />Parking Two spaces for each dwelling unit up to 3 <br />bedrooms and then one additional space for <br />every two bedrooms in excess of 3 bedrooms <br />in a dwelling unit. <br />In addition to the standards listed above the following sections regulate accessory dwelling <br />units, building footprint and the design of the dwelling units: <br />18.10.030 Accessory dwelling units <br />Accessory dwelling units are permitted in LDR zone, provided the following criteria are met: <br />a. minimum lot of 7,200 square feet; <br />b. accessory dwelling unit is no more than 33% of the square footage of the primary residence and a maximum <br />of 1,000 square feet, whichever is less; <br />c. one of the residences is the primary residence of a person who owns at least 50% of the property, <br />d. dwelling unit is incorporated into the primary detached single family residence, not a separate unit, so that <br />both units appear to be of the same design as if constructed at the same time; <br />e. minimum of three parking spaces on the property with units less than 600 square feet, and a minimum of <br />four spaces for units over 600 square feet; and <br />f. the units are not sold as condominiums. <br />18.10.057 Maximum Building Footprint <br />The maximum total footprint of all residential structures located on a lot in the Low Density Residential District shall <br />be limited to 35% of the lot area, provided: <br />1. The maximum footprint is reduced by 0.125% for each 100 square feet of lot area in excess of 6,500 square feet <br />and less than 19,000 square feet; <br />2. The maximum footprint shall be 4,000 square feet for lots between 19,000 square feet and 32,670 square feet; <br />3. The maximum footprint shall be 5,000 square feet for lots between 32,760 square feet and 43,560 square feet; <br />4, The maximum footprint shall be 6,000 square feet for lots over 43,560 square feet; and <br />5. For lots less than 6,500 square feet in size, the maximum total footprint shall be the area defined by the application <br />of the standard setback requirements set forth in the applicable Basic Development Standards, up to a maximum <br />of 2,275square feet. <br />20 <br />