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Planning 2020-11-05 Item 3 - Adoption of 9/24/20 and 10/22/20 Minutes
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2020-11-05 Planning Commission - Tukwila International Boulevard Land Use Code Amendments (10/22/20 Public Hearing Continuance)
Planning 2020-11-05 Item 3 - Adoption of 9/24/20 and 10/22/20 Minutes
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10/29/2020 12:31:52 PM
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10/29/2020 12:21:49 PM
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PC Public Hearing <br />10/22/20 <br />Page 2 <br />She said in April there were some concerns about the difficulty regarding providing notice of the <br />hearing to the public during the pandemic. She said for tonight's' virtual hearing and virtual on- <br />line open house held on October 20th staff put extra effort into notification. The code requires <br />notification of occupants and property owners within 500 ft. and to publish notice in the <br />newspaper, which was done. Additionally, 11,300 post cards were mailed to all existing <br />businesses, residents, and property owners located in the City excluding Southcenter, Tukwila <br />South and properties located in the Manufacturing Industrial Center (MIC) zone which is mainly <br />Boeing. Emails were sent with post cards attached to a list of 337 interested parties with a sentence <br />in five different languages that said, "this information is very important to your community please <br />ask someone to translate for you." She noted that an earlier incorrect draft of the postcard was put <br />in the staff report, but she assured the Commission that the correct postcard was mailed out. Staff <br />also hand delivered notification flyers to all the business in the RC and NCC zoning district in the <br />TIB study area on Thursday October 15th. She explained the intent of the open house was to <br />answer questions on the interim proposed changes so that people could be well prepared for <br />tonight's hearing and the upcoming City Council public hearing. Four people attended open house <br />and one person had difficultly joining but staff was able to help her successfully participate on- <br />line. <br />She provided a brief overview of items covered in April. She talked about what planning efforts <br />have been happening in the TIB area to date, the kinds of changes the City has been proposing to <br />the City's zoning code and why. In 2015, the City Council adopted a 20 -year vision for the area <br />that called for transforming the TIB from a highway serving regional traffic to more of a walkable <br />main street with businesses serving the residences located nearby. The long-term vision also called <br />for new houses and commercial uses at more urban density within walking distance of the TIB <br />Light Rail Station. In 2017, the City, in partnership with the Congress New Urbanism (CNU), <br />held a 3 -day community workshop on how to make the vision happen. There were two key actions <br />recommended to the City Council after the workshop, 1) the rechannalization of TIB to add on - <br />street parking and bike lanes to slow down traffic and improve safety for all uses and to provide <br />parking for businesses by their front door, and 2) update the zoning standards code to attract and <br />support the types of new development that create a walkable main street. In 2017, the Council <br />adopted a moratorium that prohibited any new auto oriented and lodging uses or expansion of the <br />existing uses so the type of development wouldn't occur that would conflict with the vision for <br />TIB safe and walkable main street. Explanation was provided of other intents of the moratorium. <br />Ordinance 2620 was renewed by Council in July, and the PC recommendations on the interim <br />zoning code amendments are needed now for the Council to adopt them prior to expiration of the <br />current moratorium in January 2021. <br />Staffs Recommendations <br />A walkthrough was provided of staff's recommended changes to the land use table, which are <br />listed on page 17 of the October 17, 2020 staff report. <br />It was noted that no changes are being proposed for the allowable densities, heights, parking <br />standards or other development standards affecting building size or lot design, which will be <br />brought to PC and City Council at a later date. <br />Phone: 206-433-1804 • Email: Mayor@Tukwi[ + Website: Tuck ilaiWA.,gov <br />
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