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Planning 2020-04-23 Minutes - Auto-Oriented and Lodging Land Uses Zoning Code Amendment
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Planning 2020-04-23 Minutes - Auto-Oriented and Lodging Land Uses Zoning Code Amendment
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11/13/2020 1:15:00 PM
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11/13/2020 1:14:52 PM
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PC Public Hearing <br />4/23/20 <br />Page 2 <br />how to submit public comments in writing or verbally during the meeting, and how to access the <br />virtual meeting. <br />She provided background and gave an overview on the TIB planning process. Since the 1990 <br />annexation of the area, revitalization has been a high priority for the City. In 2015, the City <br />updated the Comprehensive Plan goals and policies for the TIB area to make it more walkable <br />and transform TIB from a regional serving road to a "Main Street" serving the neighborhood. In <br />2017 the City, along with the Congress for New Urbanism (CNU), held a workshop to <br />brainstorm how to implement the new vision for TIB. CNU made two recommendations: First, <br />add on -street parking and bike lanes on TIB. Second, update the zoning code because the current <br />code allows for the types of uses and development standards that do not fully support or <br />incentivize the type and form of development that creates a walkable main street. <br />Also, in 2017 the CC adopted a six-month moratorium on auto -oriented commercial and lodging <br />uses in the TIB study area that do not support the vision. The Council has been renewing the <br />moratorium for the past two and one-half years. It prohibited new uses or the expansion of <br />existing uses that do not support walkability and prevented the investment in uses that may not <br />be allowed in the future. It also allowed staff time to establish new standards and TIB <br />rechannel izati on designs and allowed time for public review and comment. The current <br />moratorium will expire in July 2020. Therefore, it was necessary to have tonight's public <br />hearing in order to stay on track before the moratorium expires. The zoning code amendments <br />would replace the moratorium. Uses in the Neighborhood Commercial Center (NCC) and the <br />Regional Commercial (RC) zoning districts located within the TIB study area would be affected <br />by the amendment. <br />Staff s Recommendations <br />There are two options proposed for amending Table 18-6 in the zoning code. Option 1 would <br />prohibit outright certain auto -oriented and lodging uses, which is consistent with the moratorium. <br />Staff recommended Option 2, which modifies uses based on draft zoning code changes <br />recommended by CNU to implement the vision. Under Option 1, most existing related uses <br />would become a legal non -conforming use. Under Option 2, most existing related uses would <br />remain a legal use with a potentially non -conforming structure. There are not any changes being <br />proposed to allowable densities, heights, parking standards or other development standards <br />affecting building size or lot design. <br />Staff noted that if the moratorium is not renewed and the proposed zoning code amendments are <br />not adopted, redevelopment could occur that does not support the vision. Future uses and <br />development would continue to be the type of auto -oriented, regional development that currently <br />exists. <br />Staff noted they drafted and added Options 3 and 4 for recommendation for some of the land <br />uses based on additional public comments. <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />
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