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Planning 2020-04-23 Minutes - Auto-Oriented and Lodging Land Uses Zoning Code Amendment
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Planning 2020-04-23 Minutes - Auto-Oriented and Lodging Land Uses Zoning Code Amendment
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11/13/2020 1:15:00 PM
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11/13/2020 1:14:52 PM
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PC Public Hearing <br />4/23/20 <br />Page 7 <br />The Commissioners were in consensus that the public hearing be continued to May 28h and <br />understand there may need to be another virtual meeting. In addition to placing a notice in the <br />Seattle Times and emailing businesses and interested parties, staff will provide post card <br />notification to business owners, although businesses are closed. <br />Commissioner Simmons asked Mr. Yusef for the name of his business, as well as the name of <br />the other businesses that would be impacted by the changes. Mr. Yusef said the name of his <br />business is Eastside for Hire and noted three other auto -related businesses in the area. <br />Commissioner Strander said the addendum received prior to the public hearing was not <br />published in the packet and so the public hearing should be continued so the public has a chance <br />to respond. She asked for staff's response on the email regarding holding a virtual meeting. Staff <br />said the City Attorney confirmed a virtual meeting is in compliance with the Governor's order. <br />Commissioner Mann said considering that people are saying they did not receive notice and <br />four businesses are being impacted by a major decision, she thinks the meeting should be <br />continued. <br />Commissioner Martinez said Mr. Yusef and staff are correct regarding the importance and <br />impact of this meeting. He said there are language barriers and that the information needs to be <br />conveyed to the community/businesses. He requested an email from the City Attorney indicating <br />it is proper to hold the virtual meeting. He said the public hearing should be left open so the <br />public may provide comments. <br />Commissioner Stark expressed concerns about holding this meeting and agreed the meeting <br />needs to be continued. She requested that staff clean up the packet and reissue, and that proper <br />steps be taken for the public to attend the hearing. She said given the circumstances she is <br />proposing an additional meeting(s) in May. <br />Commissioner Reay had a follow up question for Ms. Granbois, who appeared to have left the <br />call. She asked staff what the process would be if an in-person public hearing cannot be held in <br />May, would there be another virtual meeting, and inquired about timeframe. Staff said in order <br />to meet the deadline that a public hearing must be held in May. Commissioner Reay said she <br />appreciates the effort that staff made to notify the businesses, but part of the outreach issue was <br />compounded by some businesses being closed. She did not have any questions for staff regarding <br />the recommendations. She thinks the public hearing should remain open because of the situation <br />and for equity, with the understanding there would have to be another virtual meeting. <br />Commissioner Simmons suggested leaving the public hearing open because of the impacts <br />already seen on small business and COVID-19. She noted that over communication may be <br />necessary because there was such a large issue in the past where people did not feel like they <br />were included in the public process. <br />Commissioner Watters said this is an important issue and it is impactful on the community. <br />Further, the moratorium has been extended for a long time. She said it makes sense to extend the <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />
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