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City of Tukwila <br />PLANNING COMMISSION (PC) <br />PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES <br />NOVEMBER 12, 2020 <br />Date: November 12, 2020 <br />Time: 6:30 PM - 10:45 PM <br />Location: Virtual Meeting - Microsoft Teams <br />Present: Chair Heidi Watters; Vice -Chair Louise Strander; Commissioners Dennis Martinez, Sharon <br />Mann, Karen Simmons, Dixie Stark, and Andrea Reay <br />Staff: <br />Deputy Director Minnie Dhaliwal; Senior Planner Jaimie Reavis; Assistant Planner <br />Meredith Sampson; Business Relations Manager Brandon Miles and Planning <br />Commission Secretary Wynetta Bivens <br />Adopt <br />Minutes: Commissioner Strander moved to adopt the November 5, 2020 minutes. Commissioner <br />Martinez seconded the motion. Motion passed. Commissioners Mann, Stark and Reay were <br />absent on 11/5/20 and abstained from voting. <br />CASE NUMBER: L20-0106 <br />PURPOSE: Consider updates to subdivision procedures in Tukwila Municipal Code Title 17 (Subdivisions and <br />Plats) and Title 18 (Zoning). <br />LOCATION: City-wide. <br />Jaimie Reavis, Senior Planner, Department of Community Development (DCD) gave the presentation for staff. The <br />intent of the public hearing was to consider amendment to the subdivision regulation within the Tukwila Municipal <br />Code and Title 17 for subdivisions and plats and Title 18 for zoning. Ms. Reavis provided background information <br />on the subdivision process; explanation of why the code amendments are being proposed; gave an overview of the <br />proposed changes and options; went over the approval process; as well as the proposed amendments and staff's <br />recommendations. She also answered several clarifying questions. <br />PROPOSED AMENDMENTS / STAFF'S RECOMMENDATIONS <br />1. Modification of a preliminary approval <br />This process is not currently in the code, the process would be added to modify a preliminary approval of any type <br />of subdivision, after the preliminary approval and before final approval. <br />STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION: The DCD Director makes the determination whether the modification is a minor <br />or major modification and can require conditions to ensure conformance with the criteria. <br />NOTED: The DCD Director will use proposed criteria in determining if the modification is minor. If the <br />modification is determined to be major the applicant needs to apply for a new application. <br />2. Final plat approval <br />STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION: The decision is made by the DCD Director. <br />3. Phasing of final approval <br />STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION: The phasing plan be submitted and reviewed by the Hearing Examiner at the <br />) <br />