Laserfiche WebLink
• Discuss and select ESJC training facilitator and 2021 (20 min) <br />Commissioners Action Items: Approve ESJC training and facilitator. <br />• Discuss the 2021 ESJ Budget and next steps. (20 min) <br />Commissioners Action Items: ESJC budget forecasting <br />• Review the final Foster High School ESJC recruitment fliers. (15 min) <br />Commissioner Action Items: Commissioners to approve Foster High <br />School recruitment flier. Objective is to begin recruitment mid-March of <br />2021. <br />• Discuss and plan the Juneteenth Festival 2021 (20 min) <br />Commissioner Action Items: Determine whether the Commission wants <br />to move forward with a Juneteenth Festival and, if so, what that would <br />look like, suggested dates, etc. <br />• Community feedback and knowledge (10 min) <br />VI Miscellaneous <br />VII Adjournment <br />