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clearance from electrical and wireline facilities. A "pole extender" as used herein is an <br />object affixed between the pole and the antenna for the purpose of increasing the height <br />of the antenna above the pole. The pole extender shall be painted to approximately match <br />the color of the pole and shall substantially match the diameter of the pole measured at <br />the top of the pole. <br />3. Replacement wooden poles must either match the approximate color and <br />materials of the replaced pole or shall be the standard new wooden pole used by the pole <br />owner in the City. <br />4. The diameter of a replacement pole shall comply with the City's setback and <br />sidewalk clearance requirements and shall not be more than a 25 percent increase of the <br />existing utility pole measured at the base of the pole or the otherwise standard size used <br />by the pole owner. <br />5. All cables and wires shall be routed through conduits along the outside of <br />the pole. The outside conduit shall be colored or painted to match the pole. The number <br />of conduits shall be minimized to the number technically necessary to accommodate the <br />small wireless facility. <br />6. Antennas, equipment enclosures, and all ancillary equipment, boxes and <br />conduit shall be colored or painted to match the approximate color of the surface of the <br />wooden pole on which they are attached. <br />7. Antennas shall not be mounted more than 12 inches from the surface of the <br />wooden pole. <br />8. Antennas should be placed in an effort to minimize visual clutter and <br />obtrusiveness. Multiple antennas are permitted on a wooden pole; provided, that each <br />antenna shall not be more than three cubic feet in volume. <br />9. A canister antenna may be mounted on top of an existing or replacement <br />wooden pole, which may not exceed the height requirements described in TMC Section <br />23.04.100.D.1. A canister antenna mounted on the top of a wooden pole shall not exceed <br />16 inches in diameter, measured at the top of the pole and, to the extent technically <br />feasible, shall be colored or painted to match the pole. The canister antenna must be <br />placed to look as if it is an extension of the pole. In the alternative, the applicant may <br />install a side -mounted canister antenna, so long as the inside edge of the antenna is no <br />more than 12 inches from the surface of the wooden pole. All cables shall be concealed <br />either within the canister antenna or within a sleeve between the antenna and the wooden <br />pole. <br />10. The farthest point of any antenna or equipment enclosure may not extend <br />more than 28 inches from the face of the pole. <br />CC: Legislative Development\Ordinances\INTERIM Small wireless Communication Facilities 3-31-21 <br />EM:bjs Review and analysis by Barbara Saxton <br />Page 17 of 22 <br />22 <br />