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INFORMATIONAL MEMO <br />Page 9 <br />Appendix — Departmental Service Reduction Details <br />City Council: <br />The City Council reduced travel, conferences, and training support and other supplies. <br />Mayor: <br />The Mayor's department reduced service levels in several ways. One of the significant <br />cuts was to the Commute Trip Reduction Program, an employee incentive program that <br />provided employees an ORCA card for use of transit or monetary incentives for use of <br />alternate modes of transportation (carpooling, walking, biking etc.) This program cut was <br />in addition to the furloughs and pay reductions employees took in 2020. <br />The SeeClickFix program was also eliminated, which provided the general public with a <br />convenient tool to notify City staff of concerns in and around the City. Reinstatement of <br />SeeClickFix would cost considerably more than what the City had previously paid. The <br />City is looking at the possibility of utilizing TRAKiT as a community response tool. <br />Training registrations and travel budgets were also significantly reduced limiting the ability <br />to attend conferences and other relevant training opportunities. Funding was also <br />removed for employee recognition, survey initiatives and sponsorship of chamber events. <br />In the Economic Development Division, part time staffing was eliminated and other <br />services were reduced which limits research and attracting development. Currently, there <br />is no budget to create an economic development plan. Funding for an economic <br />development plan would enable the City to hire outside expertise, increase the Plan's <br />scope, and significantly expand community outreach in the development of the Plan. <br />Administrative Services: <br />All extra labor has been eliminated from this department. The direct impact is on the <br />turnaround time for public records requests. Additionally, staff has taken on additional <br />work that was performed by extra labor staff, resulting in slower turnround time on <br />contracts and other documents and services in the City Clerk's office and continued <br />degraded services in TIS. <br />Funding for the Community Connectors program has also been removed. The program <br />has been on hiatus since 2019 due the partner agency's lack of capacity. Staff would <br />bring the program back but it would look a bit different. Once change is that no outside <br />resources would be utilized. <br />Funding was also removed for training which inhibits staff the ability to access new best <br />practices. Professional services was reduced which results in less funds for city-wide <br />trainings and other human resources related programs such as investigations and labor- <br />management support. <br />TIS has one position frozen. In addition, reductions in capital expenses, professional <br />services, training, travel, and supplies were taken. Some of these, such as reduction in <br />Seamless Docs and Sharegate services will have impacts on all departments. <br />Finance: <br />55 <br />