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Planning 2012-02-23 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2012-02-23 Planning Commission - Code Amendments
Planning 2012-02-23 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2/17/2012 12:43:12 PM
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PC 1 fearing Minutes <br />January 26, 2011 <br />Attachment F, <br />Page 2: Correct the name of the park to Duwamish Hill Preserve. <br />Page 5: Building Height, add the word "at" to state that the different grade planes be of intervals at least <br />15 feet. <br />Page 6: Add the phrase "or its successor" after Department of Early Learning. <br />Page 8: Landscape Plan Requirements section, add the following clarifying language -"dead or dying <br />trees as determined by a certified arborist" <br />Page 8: Loading Space Requirement section Eliminate this section <br />Page 9: Filing of Plans section, change the word "restriping" to "reconfiguring" with some thresholds, <br />such as adding new spaces, changes to landscaping islands and fire lanes. <br />Discussion of the proposed changes related to manufacturing uses listed under Attachment I followed. <br />The discussion focused on the following use that is permitted in C /LI zone, "Manufacturing, <br />processing and /or assembling of electrical or mechanical equipment, vehicles and machines <br />including, but not limited to, heavy and light machinery, tools, airplanes, boats or other <br />transportation vehicles and equipment <br />Commissioner Alford asked, "Why are manufacturing uses that have significant potential for causing <br />environmental pollution, such as noise, smoke, and dust, permitted in the Commercial Light Industrial <br />(C /LI) area." She said, "It doesn't seem appropriate for the zone. <br />Ms. Dhaliwal stated that she looked into this matter further to understand what the category means, <br />where it is allowed, and what the legislative intent was when it was adopted in 1995. She said it is a <br />permitted use in C /LI, HI, MIC /L, MIC/H zones, and is a conditional use in TVS. It is likely that it was <br />permitted due to some existing business. It is a broad category and the scale of products being <br />manufactured could be small or big under this zone. <br />Ms. Dhaliwal stated if the other Commissioners felt this was an issue that they could consider the <br />following options: <br />1. Recommendation that the vehicle, auto and boat manufacturing be moved to a Conditional Use in <br />C /LI. If this option is selected then there should be a provision that before it goes to the City <br />Council there is additional notice provided to the property owners of this zone informing them of <br />the options. This would allow property owners a chance to weigh in at the City Council public <br />hearing. <br />2. Leave as staff has written. <br />3. No change at this time, and look at it more comprehensively later. <br />She said in the past there was some sensitivity to making decisions that caused existing businesses to <br />become non conforming, and that should be taken into consideration, and proper notice be given before <br />making any changes that exceed the purview of housekeeping code amendments. <br />Nora Gierloff, Deputy DCD Director, commented that the mildest approach -,with the least impact ,would be <br />Page 3of4 <br />3 <br />
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