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FIN 2021-06-14 Item 1A - Discussion - Continued Discussion on Prioritizing Restoration of Service Levels
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Council Committees
Finance and Governance (2021-Present)
Finance and Governance Agenda Packets (2021-Present)
2021-06-14 Finance and Governance
FIN 2021-06-14 Item 1A - Discussion - Continued Discussion on Prioritizing Restoration of Service Levels
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6/10/2021 1:52:54 PM
Creation date
6/10/2021 1:43:14 PM
Council Committees
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Finance and Governance 2021-Present
Record Type
Agenda Packet
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INFORMATIONAL MEMO <br />Page 2 <br />Phase 2 Funding - Using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds <br />The earlier memo included a partial list of possible projects that could be funded with <br />ARPA money including: <br />• Upgrading equipment in the Council chambers to allow for both in-person as well <br />as virtual participation in city Council meetings and workshops. <br />• Adding internet access to neighborhoods underserved by existing internet options. <br />• Funding additional human services and/or small business programs and outreach. <br />• Funding to design and possibly purchase property for a youth/senior center. <br />• Economic Development Plan <br />• Other one-time services such as studies, plans or designs. <br />Federal Funding - American Rescue Plan Act <br />On March 10, 2021, a $1.9 trillion relief package, known as the American Rescue Plan <br />Act, was approved and provides funding in several areas including state and local aid, <br />education, rental assistance, and transit. Preliminary estimates show that the City of <br />Tukwila could receive as much as $4.43 million in one-time funds. Staff will confirm the <br />final amount once we receive official notification from the State, which is not <br />expected until at least July. Funds must be obligated by December 31, 2024. <br />From what we know today, the funds can be used in the following ways: <br />- To respond to the public health emergency with respect to COVID-19 or its <br />negative economic impacts, including assistance to households, small businesses, <br />and non -profits, or to aid impacted industries such as tourism, travel, and <br />hospitality. <br />- Provide premium pay to eligible workers that are preforming essential work. <br />- Provision of government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue due to <br />the pandemic relative to revenues collected in the most recent full fiscal year. <br />- Make necessary investments in water, sewer, or broadband infrastructure. <br />The funds cannot be used to directly or indirectly offset tax reductions or delay a tax/tax <br />increase. Nor can funds be deposited into any pension fund. Final guidance on approved <br />uses of the funds is expected to be received in July of 2021. <br />Ongoing vs One-time Revenues <br />As a reminder, the Council's adopted financial policies state that one-time revenue will be <br />used for one-time expenditures and ongoing revenue will be used for ongoing <br />expenditures. The projects outlined below are one-time in nature as ARPA funds are a <br />one-time funding source. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Information has been provided on each of the projects identified in the March 16, 2021, <br />info memo and includes additional projects for consideration. Based on the major federal <br />funding categories, the following are possible prioritization areas: <br />2 <br />
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