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once for each property. Additionally, the Planning Commission expressed desire to <br />add some qualifying language addressing what the community is gaining from <br />allowing this waiver. Section 41 of the attached draft ordinance (Attachment B <br />page 22/23) includes this change. <br />b) Correct the name of Duwamish Hill Preserve. This has been corrected in Section 4 <br />of the draft ordinance (pg. 4). <br />C) Add the word "at" to the building height definition. This change is included in <br />Section 9 of the draft ordinance 9 (pg. 7). <br />d) Add the phrase "or its successor" after Department of Early Learning. This change <br />is included in Section 13 of the draft ordinance (pg. 9). <br />e) Landscape Plan Requirements section- add the clarifying language "dead or dying <br />trees as determined by a certified arborist This change is included in Section 17 <br />of the draft ordinance (pg. 11). <br />f) Delete the loading space requirements section. This change is reflected in Section <br />19 of the draft ordinance (pg. 12). <br />g) Change the word `restriping" to "reconfiguring" and add some thresholds to clarify <br />what is considered "reconfiguring" such as adding /deleting parking spaces; <br />changes to interior parking lot landscaping; or changes to fire lanes. This change <br />is reflected in Section 20 of the draft ordinance (pg. 13). <br />REQUESTED ACTION <br />Hold the public hearing on the proposed changes, review each proposed change, choose an <br />option if multiple choices are given, and make recommendations to the City Council. <br />nrn <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />02 172012 <br />7 <br />