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36 <br />INFORMATIONAL MEMO <br />Page 2 <br />If selected, the Tukwila Police Department plans to significantly bolster its Peer Support & <br />Officer Wellness program by increasing the size of the team and offering each member training <br />opportunities that would otherwise not be funded. The overarching goal of the program will be <br />to normalize Peer Support and Officer Wellness usage and to offer training to the entire Police <br />Department, including non-commissioned staff, to improve the emotional intelligence and <br />psychological well-being of every member of the Department. <br />Because the grant requires no local match, the application was completed and submitted prior <br />to its June 9th due date. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT <br />COPS Hiring Program Grant: Since the grant will provide a maximum of $41,667 per year the <br />Police Department anticipates contributing approximately $64,119 per year during the three- <br />year term of the grant to cover the new officer's salary and benefits. If awarded the COPS <br />Hiring Grant, the Police Department will seek a budget amendment for the incremental funds. <br />COPS Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act (LEMHWA) Grant: This grant requires <br />no local match and, if awarded, the financial impact will be minimal. <br />RECOM MENDATION <br />The Committee is being asked to approve the Department's request to apply for the COPS <br />Hiring Program grant. <br />ATTACH MENTS <br />None. <br /> Agenda Items/Police/Police Department COPS Grant InfoMemo.doc <br />