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PC Public Hearing Minutes <br />6/24/21 <br />Page 3 <br />B4) Expand Tenant Supports <br />PC Recommendation: Amend next steps to include: <br />• The City could seek out funding or technical assistance to incentivize landlords to improve their <br />rental properties. <br />B5) Monitor and Track Regulated Affordable Housing <br />PC Recommendation: Strike B5. <br />B6) Monitor and Track Unregulated Affordable Housing <br />PC Recommendation: Strike B6. <br />B7) Offer Tools and Strategies for Housing Preservation <br />PC Recommendation: Strike B7. <br />B8) Evaluate a Preservation Funding Program in Exchange for Affordability Restrictions <br />PC Recommendation: Amend next steps to read: <br />• The City could engage with regional affordable housing partners through contractual agreements <br />to explore the efficacy and funding sources of a preservation and rehabilitation incentive program <br />for existing housing. <br />• The City could continue partnerships to establish a regional rehabilitation fund. <br />• The City could partner with acquisition funds. These funds stand ready to deploy capital aimed at <br />acquiring and rehabilitating low-cost market rentals and create new, affordable units. <br />B9) Develop TIB Community Economic Development Strategies <br />PC Recommendation: Keep recommendation and next steps as proposed by staff. <br />C1) Create a Development Framework and Planned Street Network for Parcels South of SR518 <br />PC Recommendation: Strike C1. <br />C2) Create a TIB Station Area Parking Strategy <br />PC Recommendation: Keep recommendation and next steps as proposed by staff. <br />C3 Connect the Station Area to Parcels South of SR518 <br />PC Recommendation: Keep recommendation and next steps as proposed by staff. <br />MOTIONS: <br />Commissioner Martinez moved to amend recommendation A2. Commissioner Stark seconded the motion. Motion <br />passed, six in favor, Commissioner Reay opposed. <br />Commissioner Mann moved to strike recommendation A3. Commissioner Stark seconded the motion. Motion <br />passed, five in favor, Commissioners Reay and Sidhu opposed. <br />Commissioner Strander moved to strike recommendation A5. Commissioner Mann seconded the motion. Motion <br />passed, four in favor, Commissioners Simmons, Reay, and Sidhu opposed. <br />Commissioner Reay moved to amend recommendation B1. Commissioner Stark seconded the motion. Motion <br />passed unanimously. <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />