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Planning 2021-06-10 Minutes - Tukwila South Overlay District Residential Development
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Planning 2021-06-10 Minutes - Tukwila South Overlay District Residential Development
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PC Public Hearing <br />6/10/21 <br />Page 2 <br />Max Baker, Senior Planner, DCD, gave the presentation for staff. He provided a recap of the project. Utilizing <br />a PowerPoint presentation, he walked through staff's responses to the comments in the applicant's comment <br />letters, submitted on 4/21/21 and 6/7/21. <br />Following are the applicant's comments/requests to the proposed Development Standards and Design <br />Guidelines, along with Staff's responses: <br />Comment 1: Existing TSO recreation space requirements should not be used for the rest of Tukwila <br />South. <br />Staff's response: Staff agrees. <br />Comment 2: <br />Staff's response: <br />Senior citizens recreation space to be onsite or offsite, with a 50/50 indoor/outdoor ratio. <br />Staff agrees — but recommended a 40/60 indoor/outdoor ratio. <br />Comment 3: Applicant does not support the last sentence of note #4, "As part of any proposal to <br />allow off-site recreation area to be constructed on-site, the applicant shall demonstrate <br />why off-site recreation space is impractical to be provided, due to geography, <br />accessibility, or costs." Applicant believes this would only make it more burdensome to <br />locate recreation space onsite/close to a residential project. And suggested removal of <br />the sentence. <br />Staff's response: Staff agrees. <br />Comment 4: The point of measurement for the one-quarter to one-half mile offsite recreation area <br />determination be revised to read, "closest perimeter of the residential project." <br />Staff's response: Staff proposed revised language: "Off-site recreation area must be accessible within <br />one-quarter mile for a children's play area, replacing the onsite requirement to one-half <br />mile for other offsite recreation area as measured from the closest structure containing <br />residential units." <br />Comment 5: Relocation of this section. <br />Staff's response: Staff accepts relocation. <br />Comment 6: Decrease from 2.5 acres to 2.0 acres to better correspond to actual planned park area... <br />Staff's response: Staff recommends the 2.5 -acre standard for delayed recreation space banking remain, <br />which was a collaborative recommendation by Parks and Recreation. <br />Comment 7: The applicant was unclear what constitutes a steep slope and what is measured as offsite <br />recreation. <br />Staff's response: Staff provided clarifying language to read, "Only the area of improvement, within a <br />sensitive area tract would count toward the recreation space requirement, not the entire <br />tract." <br />Comment 8: The applicant noted that the one-quarter mile measurement is for a child's play area. <br />Staff's response: Staff concurred. <br />Comment 9: Applicant suggested redlined language may be easier to measure as the perimeter is easy <br />to find, as opposed to 50% of the proposed units. <br />Staff's response: Staff recommended language to read, "The closest structure containing residential units <br />must be located within one-quarter mile... (accessory buildings excluded)." <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />
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