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INFORMATIONAL MEMO <br />Page 2 <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT <br />The proposed position is banded at the C-41 pay band, which is $157,715 a year with benefits. <br />This is $16,747 a year more than a frozen patrol position in PD ($140,967), and the difference <br />can be absorbed in the budget amendment process. The police department would keep one <br />patrol position frozen indefinitely. The Police budget would reduce by $140,967 and HR would <br />increase by $157,715. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff is seeking committee approval to include this request in the proposed budget amendments <br />scheduled for the Finance and Governance Committee on October 25, 2021. <br />20 Docs/Final agendas/10-11-21 FIN&GOV/HR Staffing Request Info Memo RB.docx <br />