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City of Tukwila <br />Allan Ekberg, Mayor <br />INFORMATIONAL MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Finance and Governance Committee <br />FROM: Vicky Carlsen, Finance Director <br />CC: Mayor Ekberg <br />DATE: July 25, 2022 <br />SUBJECT: Consumer Price Index Discussion <br />ISSUE <br />Provide background information on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the effects of <br />inflation on households and the City. It is difficult to find local information from the early <br />1980's but is provided when possible. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Consumer Price Index (CPI) <br />CPI is the consumer price index that measures the average change in prices over time <br />that consumers pay for goods and services. It is a fixed set of products and services <br />whose price is evaluated on a regular basis and is used to track inflation. Items tracked <br />and evaluated include basic food like cereal, milk, and coffee as well as housing costs, <br />furniture, clothing, transportation, and medical care. The goods and services tracked <br />reflect the spending habits of two population groups. It includes urban wage earners and <br />clerical workers, and these two groups represent about 93% of the total US population. <br />Populations that are not tracked are people living in rural and agricultural households, the <br />military, and people living in institutions like prisons. CPI is the average change, which <br />means that some goods and services show a year over year increase above CPI and <br />others increased at a lower rate. <br />On July 13th, we were notified that CPI was 9.5%. The last time CPI was this high was <br />in 1981. What follows below is a discussion of the effects of CPI today compared to <br />how CPI affects households and the City the last time CPI was this high. <br />Not only is CPI much higher than in the past, but the 12 -month change in many categories <br />that effect residents, businesses, and the City have increased sharply in the last 12 <br />months. The graph on the next page shows selected expenditure categories and the 12 - <br />month change. <br />