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BAR Public Hearing <br />4/28/22 <br />Page 2 <br />- Reduced building footprint <br />- Architectural design changes to all church facades <br />Modified parking area <br />- Revised fire access lane <br />An overview was provided on the previous request, review process, proposed site plan <br />characteristics and surroundings, previous site plan, and design changes. Both parking and <br />landscaping exceed the code requirements. <br />Staff read into the record a public comment letter received via email from Nancy Sackman, <br />Duwamish Cultural Preservation Committee on 4/22 that included the following two <br />recommendations: <br />- An archeological review is performed for the project where there is significant ground <br />disturbance, etc. <br />- Only native plantings be used for landscaping to provide native habitat, etc. <br />Staff's Recommendation <br />As noted in the PC packet Staff Report dated April 28, 2022, staff recommended approval with <br />the three conditions listed. <br />Staff and the applicant addressed clarifying questions from the PC: <br />- Commissioner Strander requested for the record that staff explain what the term "CUP" <br />means, which was noted on the first slide of the staff presentation. Staff stated CUP <br />means Conditional Use Permit. <br />- Commissioner Sidhu noted for the record that for this project, 360 parking stalls are <br />required, and after the building sq. ft. reduction, there are still 439 parking stalls. Staff <br />responded in the affirmative. <br />- Commissioner Sidhu noted for the record, that the applicant widened the fire lane by 2 <br />feet to a width of 14 ft. and removed three trees, which they are now willing to replace. <br />Staff responded in the affirmative. <br />Prior to the public hearing, the applicant informed staff that they did not wish to give a <br />presentation. <br />Public Comments <br />Sean Hill, Architect, Broderick Architects, for the applicant, stated he has been working on this <br />project for over three years. He said he worked with the city on the previous CUP and tried his best <br />to accommodate staff's requested changes. He concluded saying he hopes that the PC finds the <br />changes to their liking and that they will approve the project. <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />