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BAR Public Hearing <br />12/9/21 <br />Page 2 <br />Commissioner Mann disclosed that, as a real estate salesperson, she sold the property to the <br />Galliano family several years ago. She also stated she had no interest in the property. No one <br />objected to Commissioner Mann hearing the project. <br />Jaimie Reavis, Senior Planner, DCD, gave the presentation for staff. She provided an overview of <br />the review process, background information for the site and project as well as staff analysis on the <br />design review criteria. The project is located in the Regional Commercial Mixed (RCM) use district, <br />which allows multi -family dwellings on the second story or above of a structure. Design review is <br />required for all multi -family structures. The site consists of four parcels consolidated into one. She <br />also went over the project proposal. <br />Staff's Recommendation <br />Staff recommended approval with four conditions as noted in the 12/9/21 packet staff report. The <br />following condition was added: <br />- Additional lighting be included as part of the construction permit, to illuminate pedestrian <br />pathways and building entrance areas on the front and second front of the project site. <br />Public Comments <br />Comment letters were received from two adjacent neighbors regarding the following areas of <br />concern: hillside stability, potential for tree removal on the hillside, and garbage. All concerns <br />were addressed by staff and the applicant. No additional comments were received by email. <br />Mario Galliano, the applicant, thanked everyone for being at the meeting and said everyone did a <br />fantastic job on the project. And that Jaimie did a good job explaining the project. The architect for <br />the project said he agreed. <br />Staff and the applicant addressed questions from the Commission. <br />Virtual Public Testimony <br />None. <br />Chair Pro Tem Martinez closed the public hearing. <br />Deliberation <br />The PC were in consensus that the project is a great development creating more housing, retail <br />space and underground parking - which they said was great. <br />Motions: <br />Commissioner Sidhu moved to approve Case Number L19-0077 Design Review based on staff's <br />findings, conclusions, recommendations, four conditions, and the additional condition. <br />Commissioner Mann seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />