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111111111 <br />City of Tukwila <br />Allan Ekberg, Mayor <br />INFORMATIONAL MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Planning and Community Development Committee <br />FROM: Derek Speck, Economic Development Administrator <br />DATE: July 25, 2022 <br />SUBJECT: Economic Development Plan Community Engagement Process <br />ISSUE <br />As part of our task to create an Economic Development Plan for the City, staff seeks Council <br />consensus approval of the community engagement process. <br />BACKGROUND <br />At its meeting on June 6, 2022, the City Council authorized the Mayor to execute a contract up to <br />$50,000 with Community Attributes, Inc. (CAI) to create an Economic Development Plan. At that time <br />staff committed to return to Council for approval of the community engagement process. We are <br />starting the engagement process and would like the Council's feedback and approval. <br />Basic Plan: The City and CAI are close to signing a $50,000 contract for a "basic" plan. Under this <br />scope of work, CAI would conduct research and analysis, write, design, and produce the Plan. It <br />would also include standard community engagement such as a mobile friendly website, an online <br />survey and in-person surveys at public meetings, community meetings and events, and gathering <br />places. This will include Google Translate for the website and online survey. We will also form and <br />coordinate an advisory committee of approximately eight people to provide general advice on the <br />process and draft plan. <br />Expanded Community Outreach: In addition to the $50,000 that Council authorized for creating the <br />"basic" plan, the Council also provided budget for another $50,000 for expanded community <br />engagement. This work may include "influencers" and/or community-based organizations to help <br />engage with various groups based on culture, language, age, etc. It would include tailoring those <br />contracts to work with those influencers and/or organizations on methods appropriate for each group. <br />These methods may include surveys, conversations, interviews, focus groups, social media, or other <br />ways. We hope to find fun and easy ways for the public to engage. As appropriate, tools and methods <br />would include interpretation, translation, childcare, and participation incentives. The City might <br />contract with these organizations directly or through CAI. If through CAI, staff may need to return to <br />Council for approval to increase the amount of their contract. <br />DISCUSSION <br />We would like a community engagement process that welcomes Tukwila's diverse community. This <br />includes residents, businesses, and property owners. The following are some possibilities. We would <br />adjust based on availability of partners, resources, etc. <br />1. City Hosted Opportunities <br />a. City Boards and Commissions <br />b. City groups (e.g., Teens for Tukwila) <br />c. City Facilities (Tukwila Community Center, Permit Counter, Spray Park, etc.) <br />d. Parks and Recreation events (e.g., "See You in the Park") <br />e. Direct door-to-door business visits <br />