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PC Meeting <br />6/23/22 <br />Page 2 <br />Tony Cullerton, Finance Deputy Director, presented on the 2023-2024 Biennial Budget and provided <br />a walkthrough of the Balancing Act tool. He showed how to navigate to the Balancing Act tool link. <br />He noted that the 2023-2024 Biennial Budget will be challenging because revenues are not growing at <br />the rate expenses are growing. Therefore, there is a shortfall between projected 2023-2024 revenues <br />compared to the projected expenses. However, RCW statutes requires that the City present a balanced <br />budget. He also addressed questions from the PC. <br />2024-2044 Comprehensive Plan Update Briefing <br />Nancy Eklund, AICP, Long Range Planning Manager, DCD gave a briefing on the 2024-2044 <br />Comprehensive Plan Update. She provided background on the Growth Management Act (GMA), <br />which requires communities to plan for population growth in the next twenty years. Plans need to be <br />updated every 10 years and be consistent with GMA, regional and county policy direction and adopted <br />by December 31, 2024. <br />Following are the scope of the updates, which need to be consistent with policy guidance: <br />1. Tukwila's vision for growth and development consistent with Puget Sound Regional Council <br />Vision 2050 and King County Countywide Planning Policies. <br />2. Update housing element to address needs for more housing types and affordable options for all. <br />3. Address the impacts of the legacy of discrimination. <br />4. Address causes/impact of climate change and enhance the City's resiliency. <br />5. Adopt implementation strategies to ensure accountability. <br />6. Update the Plan's implementation strategies to ensure accountability. <br />7. Explore opportunities to improve the format and presentation of the plan to enhance the <br />document's accessibility and utility to the Tukwila community. <br />8. Employ consistent, equitable outreach to the full diversity of the City. <br />The amendments may require new mapping and potential update of land use maps and will require <br />environmental review. <br />Biggest issues noted to address — the City has targets of 6,500 additional housing units, 15,890 new <br />jobs, and providing affordable housing for all economic levels of the community, addressing how to <br />incorporate "missing middle" housing into residential areas, and address the potential for displacement <br />of residents and jobs, among others. <br />There will be Community engagement with elected officials, boards and commissions, coordination <br />with other City divisions, and multiple opportunities for community input. The City will apply for <br />grants and local funding to help with outreach. <br />Next Steps: <br />Go to City Council on 7/11/22 for their direction, secure potential funding, and refine the schedule. <br />Questions were addressed from the PC. <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />