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PC Meeting <br />6/23/22 <br />Page 3 <br />Director's Report <br />Director Gierloff informed the PC that the CC would like to streamline processes and to come up with <br />ideas on how to be more efficient. She said that she wanted the PC to hear from her that she took the <br />following three ideas to the Planning and Community Development Committee, two of which might <br />affect the PC: <br />1. Consider raising the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) threshold - The State now allows <br />double the maximum threshold the City currently has. If approved, this change would make <br />things easier on staff and the applicant. <br />2. Update the process to make amendments to the Zoning Code by allowing the CC the flexibility <br />to determine whether to send a code change to the PC for a recommendation or review it <br />themselves. This would streamline the process for housekeeping and other minor changes. <br />3. Have administrative design review approval instead of public hearing design review - the <br />current process can add 1-2 months to the approval process. Tukwila is the only city that uses <br />this hearing and approval process. The following neighboring cities, Shoreline, Bellevue, <br />SeaTac, Kent, and Federal Way, all are exclusively Administrative Design Review. If <br />approved, the PC would no longer serve as a Board of Architectural Review. <br />Staff will write up the processes and take these ideas through the hearing and approval process. <br />Commissioner Mann said that she thinks it's great to look at these options and try to smooth out <br />some of the bumps in the road. She thanked Director Gierloff for taking the time to try and figure <br />out something that make life smoother for everyone. <br />Commissioner Martinez moved to adjourn. Commissioner Mann seconded the motion. <br />Adjourned: 8:02 PM <br />Submitted by: Wynetta Bivens <br />PC Secretary <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: Mayr • Website: <br />