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PC Meeting <br />12/8/22 <br />Page 2 <br />- Middle housing and introducing a wider range of density within single family areas, such as low <br />density and medium density residential development. <br />A portion of the Middle Housing grant funding will be used to contract with community-based groups to <br />receive input from them on housing and past disparities. The housing portion of the Comp Plan Update is <br />starting in January and recommendations are due by June 30, 2023. <br />The focus for the Periodic Update of Comp Plan grant will be to amend and update the plan to make it current, <br />as well as to ensure it is consistent with State and Regional guidance. This guidance consolidates input from the <br />legislature (through the Department of Commerce), the King County Countywide Planning Policies, and the <br />Puget Sound Regional Council's Vision 2050, etc. The entire Comp Plan Update is due by December 2024 <br />(although we will need to wrap up work on the plan much earlier in the year to enable the Council to focus <br />on developing the City's 2025-26 budget). Community outreach with City departments, boards and <br />commissions has started and is ongoing. There's a lot of work to be done in the coming months. <br />Staff asked the PC several questions about the Comp Plan Update to which the PC provided feedback. <br />The PC expressed some concerns and made some recommendation, such as: <br />- Potentially spending a lot of time creating a recommendation for middle housing without knowing the <br />State requirements. <br />- The City should be sure to use information derived from previous housing analysis (funded through <br />grants in the past). <br />- It's important to communicate with builders and developers regarding their input and concerns. <br />- A need to define policies and economic goals. Ask the residents what they want. <br />- Find out what type of housing and development people want and update the housing element of the <br />plan to reflect that. Have a clear vision. <br />- Have options for townhomes, duplexes, ownership, and fee simplification. <br />- Have ADU's instead of duplexes and triplexes. <br />- Waive variances. <br />- Identify areas for high-density, multi -family housing. <br />- Frequent meetings and updates. <br />- Subsidizing housing research. <br />- Etc. <br />Bylaws Review <br />Staff walked through the proposed revisions to the Bylaws with the PC. The PC provided input and made <br />recommendations and/or asked clarifying questions. Staff has made changes to the bylaws to reflect items for <br />which there was not comment; several questions and comments will require talking with the City Attorney. <br />Then staff will return to the PC to complete a final review and adopt the Bylaws. <br />Director's Report <br />None <br />Submitted by: Wynetta Bivens <br />Planning Commission Secretary <br />Adopted: 1/26/23 <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />