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INFORMATIONAL MEMO <br />Legislative Update - Briefing <br />April 27, 2023 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />• HB 1337 ADU Reform <br />This bill would require that accessory dwelling unit regulations comply with new requirements <br />that restrict what cities can require of ADUs within their communities. The main criteria <br />include: <br />o Each city must allow up to two ADUs per lot that allows single-family homes. <br />o May not require owner occupancy of the ADU or primary dwelling. <br />o Places limits on impact fees for ADUs. <br />o May not limit the size of the ADUs to less than 1,000 square feet. <br />o May not restrict the height of ADUs to less than 24 feet. <br />o Must allow ADUs on any lot that meets the minimum size requirements for the principal <br />unit. <br />o May not restrict ADUs from condomizing and selling as separate units. <br />o Requires flexibility for conversion of existing structures into ADUs. <br />o May not require public street improvements as a condition of ADU permitting. <br />o Limits design requirements that can be applied to ADUs. <br />This update would be effective six (6) months from the date of periodic comprehensive plan <br />update deadline, or June 2025. <br />• 2SSB 5412 SEPA exemptions, design review <br />o Exempts middle housing projects from SEPA. <br />o Limit ambiguity in design regulations. <br />This update would be effective six (6) months from the date of periodic comprehensive plan <br />update deadline, or June 2025. <br />• ESHB 1293 Process, design review <br />o Limits standards which can be applied for design review. <br />o Recommends expedited review timelines for low-income and moderate -income housing <br />projects. <br />This update would be effective six (6) months from the date of periodic comprehensive plan <br />update deadline, or June 2025. <br />• HB 1181 Climate Change in GMA <br />o Adds Climate Change and Resiliency Element to list of required comprehensive plan <br />elements. <br />o Requires that jurisdictions address the impacts of climate change, and adopt strategies <br />to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and vehicle miles traveled (VMT). <br />o Requires supporting plans to address climate change and resiliency. <br />38 <br />