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PC Meeting <br />6/22/23 <br />Page 4 <br />some decisions on such projects. Staff noted that several developers had been interviewed as a part <br />of the grant. <br />Updates were provided on the engagement processes, online platform, racially disparate impacts, <br />affordability, impacts to renters of color, white renters, and cost burden renters, or renters who spend <br />more than 30% of their income on housing costs. <br />Next steps and discussion transpired on the following three questions: <br />- What is important to learn from sensitivity testing? <br />- What areas of zoning codes seem most promising to update? <br />- What outcomes should be strived for? <br />Following are some of the PC feedback and questions: <br />- The missing piece is the middle housing- we need to find ways to help and to add more housing. <br />- Cluster LDR housing - look at tester housing and the code to allow more. <br />- Have more Cottage style housing for affordability. <br />- Nice new townhomes that are organized, have parking, and are clean, are acceptable. <br />- The question was raised, when someone builds a small house in the back of their property would <br />it be reviewed by the Police Department for crime prevention and inquiry was made on Fire <br />Department access? <br />4) Public Outreach Plan <br />Nancy Eklund, AICP, Long Range Planning Manager, DCD gave the presentation. Staff is conducting <br />an outreach program that is equitable and inclusive process and obtain feedback from those who <br />currently live, work, play, worship, etc., in Tukwila, and those that aren't here today, but would like <br />to be in the future. Staff are making a concerted effort to reach specific community based <br />organizations that may have not participated in Comp planning activities in the past. Ultimately, we <br />want to make Tukwila attractive to all existing and future community segments. As such, staff are <br />holding meetings with a lot of different segments of the community: students, religious organizations, <br />community groups, city boards and commissions, etc. They are reaching out by tabling at Parks and <br />Recreation activities, etc., over this summer., and will also be providing specific groups the <br />opportunity to hear more about the Plan. When the Middle Housing grant funding that is funding a <br />lot of the support to Community based organizations for coordinating their input expires, staff will <br />seek other ways to engage with these groups. <br />The PC members were asked for their thoughts on what specific organizations they thought should be <br />contacted for their input. Ms. Eklund noted staff had presented the draft outreach plan to City <br />Council. She noted that, as feasible, outreach materials will be translated. <br />The PC suggested the following outreach efforts and groups: <br />- Hold events with food. <br />Hold a summit for businesspeople at local hotels. <br />Engage with the Chamber of Commerce. <br />Engage with Lam's Seafood and Seafood City. <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />