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Planning 2023-08-24 Item 4 - Adoption of 7/27/23 Minutes
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Planning 2023-08-24 Item 4 - Adoption of 7/27/23 Minutes
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PC Meeting <br />7/27/23 <br />Page 2 <br />250 new net housing units per year until 2044 to meet the allocated housing target. He provided a <br />breakdown of some additional housing background. Housing cost increased 56% for median single family <br />between 2018-2023; almost 50% of renters are cost burdened and 23% are severely cost burdened, paying at <br />least 50% of their income toward housing, etc. He noted that these projections are released 3-4 years after <br />the data collection, meaning the 2015-2019 data sample may not fully encompass current trends. <br />Neil also went over the MH survey community feedback noting that 30% of the residents had no concern <br />over MH, that support for the availability of more housing options was wanted, and that privacy and parking <br />were the primary concerns. He also provided a re -cap on some legislative allowances and restrictions <br />and/or requirements for HB1337 and HB1110, both of which must be adopted by 6/1/25. Tukwila must <br />allow a minimum of six of nine housing types in the city. <br />He also provided some historical context on residential codes and the trends for Low Density Residential <br />(LDR). The focus, at this time, is primarily on the LDR area, but he provided some history on the Median <br />Density Residential (MDR), and High Density Residential (HDR) zones. <br />Neil Heller, Principal, Neighborhood Workshop, a consulting firm that helps with ideas and projects to <br />strengthen and develop neighborhoods, presented on Tukwila low-density residential regulatory standards <br />and testing of potential code amendments. He explained that they use a prototype builder return on <br />community (ROC) model to test modifications for more affordable home ownership. He discussed the <br />process he used to research and experiment with changes to regulatory standards and how those differences <br />could change the costs of development of various housing types along with their expected purchase or rent <br />costs. They concluded that small cottages and duplexes are the most feasible housing types for likely owner <br />occupancy in Tukwila. He also went over rent prototypes modeling outcomes, which showed parking <br />impacts. Models were completed on housing choice opportunities for increasing affordability, what goes <br />directly into the models, what are some of their assumptions with return metrics, and external factors that <br />greatly influence processes such as building codes, finances, etc. <br />Ian Crozier, Associate Planner, Makers Architecture and Urban Design, presented on the MH <br />recommendations of code changes for the following seven key code update opportunities. <br />1) Lower minimum lot sizes from 6,500 sq. ft. to 5,000 sq. ft., or 3,000 sq. ft. for a cottage house. <br />2) Allow multiple units per lot, which would meet the HB 1110 allowance. <br />3) Reduce parking requirements. <br />4) Support market choices — such as duplex cluster housing. <br />5) Compact rental types, in the MDR zone. <br />6) Expand housing types. <br />7) Lower price points for ownership opportunities. <br />He also provided a summary recommendation for permitted dwellings, lot area, density, reduced setbacks and <br />increasing the height allowance from 30 feet to 35 feet and increase the design review from 2,500 sq ft. to <br />above 5,000 sq. ft., in addition to other dimensional standard recommendations, etc. <br />The presentation concluded with several questions to obtain feedback from the <br />commissioners. <br />Questions and/or recommendations raised by PC: <br />- Question: What percentage of land in Tukwila is residential — staff will follow up later. <br />Suggestion: Take into consideration when reviewing parking that a lot of <br />employment in Tukwila is in transportation and one or two vehicles are brought <br />home during off hours that will need to be parked. May need to look at parking <br />restrictions for commercial vehicles. <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />2 <br />
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