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Planning 2023-08-24 Minutes - PROS (Parks, Recreation and Open Space) Element Review / Draft Code Amendment Review
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Planning 2023-08-24 Minutes - PROS (Parks, Recreation and Open Space) Element Review / Draft Code Amendment Review
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10/11/2023 11:03:10 AM
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10/11/2023 11:03:04 AM
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PC Meeting <br />8/24/23 <br />Page 2 <br />have been updated in the Parks Element to correspond to the PROS Plan. The goals and policies in <br />the existing Parks Element are the same as those listed in the PROS Plan. Any new policies that <br />appear in the Parks Element have been added to comply with the requirement that regional policies <br />from the King County Countywide Planning Policies and Vision 2050 also be included. Nancy also <br />passed out a detailed inventory of city parks as requested by a commissioner and noted that the <br />inventory portion of the element would be updated to include a summary of this data. <br />The Parks Plan also includes greyed -out text pertaining to implementation strategies. The Parks <br />Department will be updating this list to identify how they will be implementing policies in the plan, <br />who will be involved in that effort and on what time schedule. The expectation is to complete the <br />list over the next few months and this addition will be presented to the PC later this year or in early <br />2024. <br />Director Mayer and Director Gierloff addressed clarifying questions for the PC. Director Mayer <br />said that he appreciated the collaboration of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission and <br />those members who have participated to date, those who will continue to be actively involved and <br />those members providing insight as a part of the internal processes. Parks was fortunate to have <br />such a comprehensive PROS Plan, which has made it easier to mirror for the Parks Element. <br />b. Draft Code Amendment Review <br />Neil Tabor, Senior Planner, AICP, DCD presented jointly with Isaac Gloor, Associate Planner, <br />DCD. Neil introduced the discussion, noting that the proposed code amendments were necessitated <br />by recent legislation adopted by the 2023 legislature, as well as to correct errors identified in the <br />code and to clarify code and comprehensive plan amendment processes. He noted that this was a <br />good time to undertake some of the needed amendments since it would allow staff to break up some <br />of the anticipated amendments necessary over the next year and a half as the Plan is amended. Staff <br />will be very busy with the Comprehensive Plan updates during that time. <br />Isaac Gloor addressed the first item, pertaining to HB1337 that requires all jurisdictions in the state <br />to adopt very specific regulations regarding Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). He went over some <br />of the requirements of the bill and provided comparisons to the current requirements in the Tukwila <br />Municipal Code. Additionally, he went over areas of non-compliance with the upcoming state law. <br />Staff is recommending holding a public hearing and adopting the updates since the requirements are <br />so specific without much room for nuance. It will preserve future PC review time for some of the <br />more complex reviews including the Comprehensive Plan Update. He walked through the draft <br />code amendments provided in the packet and identified work necessary to comply with recent state <br />legislation pertaining to ADUs: <br />- The owner occupancy section was removed since it is no longer allowed. <br />- The definition of ADUs was changed to include the state -mandated language regarding <br />"primary unit." <br />- Allowing the number of ADUs per lot to go from one to two per lot. <br />- Increasing the maximum size allowance from 800 sq. ft. to 1,000 sq. ft. <br />- Changed the maximum height for detached ADUs to be up to 25 ft., consistent with the <br />current requirement for detached ADUs above a garage. <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />
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