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PC Meeting <br />10/5/23 <br />Page 2 <br />a. Land Use (Centers Focus) <br />Nancy Eklund, Long Range Planning Manager, AICP, DCD, introduced the topic. She stated that this <br />plan is very long, and the intent of this update is to make it tighter and easier to use. Since the plan does <br />not have an element called "land use" (an element that is mandatory under GMA), one will be created <br />by compressing and consolidating other land use -type topics and categories in the Plan. She explained <br />how the plan, and many of the policies, will be reorganized to eliminate redundancies. <br />The two regional centers, the Urban Center at Southcenter and the Manufacturing and Industrial Center, <br />will be compiled into one element, "Regional Centers". The importance of Centers was discussed, along <br />with the Plan's intent to establish efficient land uses and transportation in these areas. She explained it <br />was necessary for the City's Plan to be "certified" by the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC), to <br />ensure that its eligibility for regional transportation funding was preserved. She shared a table showing <br />the most recent guidance provided by PSRC (2014) indicating the level of development that the city <br />needed to aspire to, and plan for, in the two centers. She noted the PSRC would monitor the Center's <br />progress in 2025. Information was provided on how the new chapter for regional centers will be created. <br />It was noted that currently no changes have been made, but some changes for different data are <br />necessary on page 15, Attachment A of the packet, as well as some different calculations on page 24. <br />Commissioner Mann asked about the likelihood of there being an opportunity to place a convention center <br />in the City. <br />b. Housing Production (Reasonable Measures) - Incorporating Leland Info <br />Neil Tabor provided a presentation giving an overview of the City's Housing Targets and historical under <br />production against previous housing growth targets. While recent housing development has picked up in <br />the last 4 to 5 years, this increased rate of housing development would need to be sustained at this <br />increased rate through 2044 to meet the adopted growth targets. An overview of key indicators within the <br />City's housing market demonstrated a need for additional housing, including a greater variety in housing <br />types and costs, consistent with the region. <br />Initial findings from a zoning code analysis for new residential development in the MDR and HDR zones <br />were shared, with initial findings being consistent with zoning code changes suggested within two <br />previous studies. Many areas of the current development code were shown to be impediments to new <br />residential development and inconsistent with common practices of other peer cities. Other <br />recommendations from these studies, including anti -displacement strategies were also shared. <br />VIII. Director's Report <br />- PC will meet on October 26. <br />- Director Gierloff thanked the PC for meeting twice in October. <br />IX. Adjourned <br />Commissioner Probst moved to adjourn; Commissioner Mann seconded the motion. All were in favor of <br />adjourning. The Planning Commission adjourned at 8:36 p. m. <br />Submitted by: Wynetta Bivens <br />PC Secretary <br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: • Website: <br />6 <br />